Arjun Singh Cheema is all set to represent India in shooting at the upcoming Paris Olympics. However, the 23-year-old shooter began his remarkable journey in a different arena altogether. Transitioning from swimming to shooting in 2015, Arjun has swiftly risen to prominence in the shooting world, making significant strides and clinching prestigious titles in recent years.
In 2023, Arjun was also part of the three-member team that secured gold for India in the 10m air pistol team event at the 2022 Asian Games. Looking back on this triumph, Cheema described it as a crucial stepping stone in his path to the Paris Olympics.
"Asian Games has been the biggest platform for me till last year. And I have gotten a lot of exposure from Asian Games. As a big platform. In fact, it was my first games. I have got a broader picture of how the Olympic Games will be. And how I am going to deal with situations in the games," he said.
In an exclusive interview with Sportskeeda, Arjun Singh Cheema shared his journey, insights, and preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games.
Reflecting on his recent selection into the squad for the Paris Olympics, Arjun Singh Cheema said,
“When the list came out, it was 70%; it's done. Now there is 30% ahead; we have to cover it more,” indicating the progress made and the work that still lies ahead.
Currently training in Austria, Cheema emphasized the importance of fine-tuning technical aspects of his performance.
“The technical terms have to be fine-tuned a little more. I am also in Austria. The pattern of training and the environment were a requirement. In fact, I am getting that from the Indian government, the Sports Authority of India. For which I am very grateful that they have put a lot of effort on my path,” he shared.
Cheema elaborated on the environmental factors crucial to his training.
“There are 3-4 things in the environment. First, the weather. What kind of weather is there? What kind of food is there? What kind of things are there here? What kind of range is there? And these are some factors; your sleep cycle also comes in between all this. Which matters a lot because shooting is a game of mind and body coordination. And all these things affect somewhere when you change your area, your place of stay.”
When asked about the shooting unit as a whole and their preparation for the Paris Olympics, Cheema heaped praise on the coaches, psychologists, and management.
“Our input will be 100%. The whole team, the coaches, psychologists, the management, and everyone has input. And there is a lot of work to be done. And things are going to be great,” he said.
“I used to swim but I felt that I wanted to join shooting” Arjun Singh Cheema on his transition to shooting, the challenges he encountered, and the invaluable support he received from his family
Arjun Singh Cheema's shift to shooting from swimming was driven by an interest in firearms. Recalling his early days, he said,
"I started shooting in 2015. I used to study at the Lawrence School in Sanawar. Before that, I used to swim, but I felt that I wanted to join shooting. I had a little bit of a hobby, passion, or interest for guns. So that attracted me to shooting. Slowly, I started shooting, and I became more indulged in sports. So, I left swimming, and I came into shooting in 2015."
Despite the otherwise smooth transition, the shooter from Punjab faced several challenges, particularly in terms of mindset and equipment.
"In the beginning, the shooting equipment, because in shooting, it's not only the gun; it's more of everything—your accessories, your ammunition—it all counts. And it took a little time to do it all together," he explained.
However, he believes these struggles have fortified his resolve, stating,
"Every athlete has this problem. Every shooter has this problem. I won't say it's a problem. I would say that this thing makes the athlete stronger. Because if you get all the facilities on the first day, you won't be able to grow that much. You won't face the struggle. And you can't build yourself that strongly," he further explained.
The support from his family and coaches has also been instrumental in his success. Acknowledging their invaluable support,
"I am very grateful [to my family]. From the first day itself, because of their support, I am able to continue my career and my shooting profession. And I believe their support, my coach's support, that I can reach this level and their support to move forward," he concluded.
Arjun Singh Cheema is all set to take part in the 10 m air pistol event and the 10 m air pistol mixed team at the Paris Olympics 2024.