All eyes will be on javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who is set to take part in the Doha Diamond League 2024, to be held on Friday, May 10. India’s golden boy has happy memories of taking part in the tournament having won the gold medal last time around. He threw the javelin 88.67 meters on his first attempt at the Qatar Sports Club after which no other athlete could surpass him.
In his second attempt, the 26-year-old Neeraj had a throw of 86.04 meters following which he threw 85.47 meters. He made a foul in his fourth attempt before finishing with decent throws of 84.37 meters and 86.52 meters.
Jakub Vadlejch of the Czech Republic won the silver medal with a stupendous throw of 88.63 meters in his second attempt. Anderson Peters from Grenada came third with his best throw of 85.88 meters in his first attempt.
Both Vadlejch and Peters will be taking part in the 2024 edition of the Doha Diamond League alongside Neeraj and Kishore Jena, both of whom have qualified for the Paris Olympics.
Neeraj Chopra getting ready for the Olympics
Neeraj has been a revelation in Indian sports especially after he won the gold medal in men’s javelin in the Tokyo Olympics three years ago. Although he has had his struggles with injuries, Neeraj has not let them affect his performances across the world. In 2022 during the Stockholm Diamond League, he almost went past the 90-metre mark.
Chopra will start his preparations for the Paris Olympics with the Doha Diamond League meet following which he will also participate in the Federation Cup in Bhubaneswar.
He is making his return to competition seven months since the Asian Games in Hangzhou where he won the gold medal. With less than three months left for the Olympics, Neeraj has limited time to find his feet.