Indian rower Balraj Panwar did not waste time to hit the ground running after reaching Paris for the 2024 Olympics, set to be staged from July 26 to August 11. The athlete started his final preparations under the watchful eyes of his coach Bajrang Lal Takhar. Notably, Takhar won India’s first individual gold medal in rowing at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou.
Takhar competed in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing but could not qualify for the finals after finishing 21st in his heat. He will want to guide Balraj to go one step better this time.
The Indian Olympic Association uploaded a series of pictures on social media where the rower can be seen training. The caption read:
“Straight into action after landing in Paris. Final training and preparations for rower Balraj Panwar before the start of the Paris Olympic Games."
Balraj Panwar looks to change India’s Olympic fortunes
India have been part of rowing since the 2000 Syndey Olympics. Dattu Bhokanal has been their best performer thus far after finishing 13th in the Rio Olympics in 2016.
Earlier, in an interaction conducted by IOA, SAI, and the Rowing Federation of India, Panwar said that he wanted to reach Paris earlier to get used to the conditions.
“We are going there 20 days in advance and I am sure it would not feel ‘strange’. It will help us acclimatise to the weather and be ready,” Panwar told the media (via The Hindu).
Panwar booked his berth in Paris after bagging the bronze medal at the Asian and Oceanian Rowing Olympic Qualification Regatta in Chungju, South Korea, back in June. Panwar also performed well at the Asian Games in Hangzhou last year, although he missed out on a medal, finishing fourth in single sculls.