India's track-and-field stars Kishore Jena, Neeraj Chopra and Tajinderpal Singh Toor were seen catching up with each other during their respective training sessions at the Paris Olympics 2024. All three of them are contenders for a medal and will be hopeful of adding to the medal tally for India.
Jena shared the photo on Instagram in which the three throwers can be seen side by side posing for the camera with a smile on their faces.
In another picture, India women's javelin thrower Annu Rani was also seen catching up with the rest of the team.
Tajinderpal Singh Toor will be seen in action on Friday in the Shotput event. He is part of group A and will be looking to reach the next round. He is currently ranked at the 24th spot with a personal best of 21.77m.
Neeraj Chopra and Kishore Jena will be seen in action in the Javelin Throw event from Tuesday, August 6. The athletics events in the Paris Olympics 2024 will begin on the August 1 and will finish on August 11.
Neeraj Chopra is India's top gold medal contender at the Paris Olympics 2024
Neeraj Chopra became the first individual to clinch gold for India in the Olympics in athletics in the Javelin Throw event during the Tokyo Olympics 2020. He has worked hard since then and has showcased a good rhythm. Before the Paris Olympics in 2024, Neeraj won a silver medal in the Diamond League at Doha in 2023. He also won a gold in the World Championship at Budapest in the same year.
Olympic debutant Kishore Jena is Neeraj's teammate in Javelin Throw. His personal best was 84.77m, which came at the 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest, where Kishore finished fifth in the competition. During the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, Jena recorded a personal best throw of 87.54m and clinched a silver medal.
Tajinderpal Singh Toor is India's hope for a medal in the Paris Olympics 2024. It is his second appearance on the big stage. Tajinder's recent achievements include successfully defending his gold medal at the 2024 Asian Indoor Athletics Championships. He also won the yellow metal at the 2023 Asian Athletics Championships in Bangkok, Thailand, with a throw of 20.23m.