Manu Bhaker’s father, Ram Kishan, was filled with pride after his daughter made India proud for the second time in three days. On Tuesday, July 30, Manu won the bronze medal in the 10m Air Pistol mixed team event, partnering Sarabjot Singh. The duo won 16-10 against the South Korean pair of Jin Ye Oh and Wonho Lee.
Earlier on Sunday, July 28, Manu had bagged bronze in the women’s 10m Air Pistol event, ending India’s 12-year-long wait for a shooting medal after the London Olympics 2012.
Manu’s father said that the shooter was determined to put in a strong performance in the mixed team event after not winning gold in the individual round.
“I am very happy just like you are, it is a big news for the entire nation. I thank all our countrymen on this special occasion for their love and blessings, helping us in tough times,” Manu’s father told ANI.
“After the last match, she spoke to me and said that she missed out on gold after one bad shot in the individual event. But she was hopeful of doing well in the other events,” he added.
"All credit goes to my wife" - Manu Bhaker’s father
Manu’s father works in the Merchant Navy and hence, he gets to spend limited time with the shooter. He credited Manu’s mother for making sacrifices for the shooter’s growth and upbringing.
“More than me, it is her mother who has worked hard for Manu. I work in the navy, so I stay away in the seas. All credit goes to my wife,” Manu’s father added.
At the Tokyo Olympics, Manu suffered a heartbreak, failing to qualify for medal rounds due to a pistol malfunction. She even claimed later that she thought about quitting shooting.
But instead of giving up, she came out firing on all cylinders to win two medals for India. The 22-year-old will now be looking for a hat-trick when she participates in the 25m pistol event.