Tamil Nadu's Santhosh Kumar Tamilarsan bagged the gold medal at the 27th National Federation Senior Athletics Competition 2024 with a time of 50.04s. However, he fell short by 1.34s and missed out on securing a Paris Olympics 2024 quota place.
The South Indian athlete will look to better his time in the upcoming events with just 49 days to go for the players to earn a ticket to Paris 2024.
Punjab's Nikhil Bhardwaj won the silver medal with a time of 50.92s, while Dhaval Mahesh Utekar from Gujarat clocked 51.13s to bag the bronze medal.
Aman from Haryana came fourth with a time of 51.70s, while Vijay Singh Malik, who also hails from Haryana, finished fifth with a time of 52.09s. Tamil Nadu's Sathish K secured the sixth place with a time of 52.15s.
Uttar Pradesh's Aftab Alam (52.87s) finished seventh in the men's 400m hurdles final. Meanwhile, Jerome Sanjay Nishanth J from Tamil Nadu came last with a time of 53.95s.
Here are the complete results from the men's 400m hurdles final:
- Santhosh Kumar T (Tamil Nadu) - 50.04s
- Nikhil Bhardwaj (Punjab) - 50.92s
- Dhaval Mahesh Utekar (Gujarat) - 51.13s
- Aman (Haryana) - 51.70s
- Vijay Singh Malik (Haryana) - 52.09s
- Sathish K (Tamil Nadu) - 52.15s
- Aftab Alam (Uttar Pradesh) - 52.87s
- Jerome Sanjay Nishanth J (Tamil Nadu) - 53.95s
Why did Vithya Ramraj pull out of the women's 400m hurdles?
Fan favorite Vithya Ramraj had to pull out of the women's 40mm hurdles final due to a back injury. The Tamil Nadu-born athlete started the race but felt discomfort in her back after running a few meters. Thus, she pulled out of the race and did not push herself further as the 25-year-old has her eyes set on the Paris Olympics 2024.