#4 No tie breaks: Margaret Court def Billie Jean King 14-12, 11-9 – 1970, ladies final

In an era when tie breaks didn't exist and sets had to be played till a difference of two, Margaret Court and the legendary Bille jean King produced a thriller on Center Court.
The first set was a complete serve-and-volley battle, with both ladies employing same tactics. The number of precise volleys and lobs in this set could in itself form a highlights package of the best in women's tennis. Court won the first of two long sets 14-12.
In the second set, Jean King started to employ drop shots to fatigue her opponent. It was a testament to Court's speed that she managed to reach most of them. Margaret didn't tire and Jean King didn't stop trying to tire her.
Eventually, the match did end with Court winning 11-9 in a superb second set, ending what is easily the greatest Women's Wimbledon final ever.
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