India’s Wimbledon hopes in the Women’s Doubles tournament came to an end after Sania Mirza and Kirsten Flipkens, the 13th seeds, were defeated by Mirza’s former Doubles partner Martina Hingis and Chan Yung-Jan (who were the 3rd seeds) in the third round 6-2, 6-4. Incidentally, Mirza and Hingis won the title in 2016 together.
Purav Raja’s Wimbledon came to an end as he and his partner Eri Hozumi were beaten in the second round by the Canadian-Slovenian pair of Daniel Nestor and Andreja Klepac. Raja was previously beaten in the second round of the Men’s Doubles tournament partnering Divij Sharan as they were beaten by 7th seeds Raven Klaasen and Rajeev Ram in an epic match where the American-South African pair won the match via a tie-break.
India’s only hopes in the Wimbledon are left in the Mixed Doubles category where French Open champs and 10th seeds Rohan Bopanna and Gabriela Dabrowski take on the Croatian pair of Nikola Mektic and Ana Konjuh in the third round. The Indo-Canadian pair had previously beaten the French-Romanian pair of Fabrice Martin and Raluca Olaru 7-6, 7-5 in a tight second round match.
Sania Mirza’s hopes of Wimbledon glory are still alive for the time being as she and partner Ivan Dodig who are the 4th seeds in the Mixed Doubles tournament will take on the Finnish-British pair of Henri Kontinen and Heather Watson in the third round tonight.