The All India Tennis Association has appointed Anand Amritraj as the new non-playing captain of the Indian Davis Cup team, reports India Times. His first task will be to take charge of India’s tie against Chines Taipei in the Asia/Oceania Group I tie next year.
The 61-year-old former Davis Cupper replaces S.P. Misra, who was fired after 8 top players from the team made it clear that they were not happy with the prevailing conditions in the Davis Cup setup.
The decision was said to be taken at the AITA’s Executive Committee meeting in Goa. He has been appointed for a period of a little over a year and a half till the end of 2014.
The AITA had stuck with Misra through the ties against Korea and Indonesia, despite the players wanting Rohit Rajpal as the new captain.
“AITA Executive Committee meeting took place in Goa on 21 Sept 2013, and position of Davis Cup Non Playing Captain was discussed. It was decided to nominate Anand Amritraj as the non Playing Captain for the year 2014,” AITA secretary general Bharat Oza said in a release.
Zeeshan Ali has been given the green light and will continue as the coach. The venue though, for the clash against Chinese Taipei is yet to be finalised.
“It was also decided by the committee that Davis Cup venue should be rotated from state to state to allow more states to get an opportunity to host the Davis Cup Tie,” the release added.