Starting April 14 2014, Mahesh Bhupathi Tennis Academies will be conducting camps at the Acres Club in Chembur. The camps, panning across six weeks, will train the children in the finer aspects of tennis while strengthening their base and developing their skills further.
At a cost of 1200 INR, per child per week, children who sign up for more than two weeks get an additional week at the camp free.
Registrations open at the Acres Club.
The details of the camp are listed below:
Venue: Acres Club
Address: 411-B, Hemu Kalani Marg, Chembur, Mumbai – 400 071. Maharashtra, India.
Camp Dates:
14th April – 19th April, 201421st April – 26th April, 201428th April – 3rd May, 20145th May – 10th May, 201412th May – 17th May, 201419th May – 24th May, 2014
Timings: 9:30 am to 10:30 am and 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Cost: Rs. 1200 per child per week
Contact: Aditi Parikh +91 9833157044