Martina Navratilova took to social media to voice her thoughts on pro-life and pro-choice, and shut down a fan who took a dig at her for her opinions.
Pro-choice advocates believe that everyone has the right to decide when and whether to have children, meaning they have the option to choose abortion in case of unplanned pregnancies. Those who are pro-life believe that women do not have a right to choose whether or not to give birth to a child they have conceived, and that abortion is wrong.
The 18-time Grand Slam champion took to Twitter to post a meme that took a swipe at pro-life followers. This irked one user, who responded by making his views clear.
"If you get pregnant take care of your own baby," a user said.
Not one to let things slide easily, Martina Navratilova replied by making her intentions and beliefs clear.
"I raised two daughters. And I will always for womens right to choose when to have a family, not some guy like you. Now fuck off," she said.
Martina Navratilova blasts abortion laws in the US
Martina Navratilova has always been open about her views on the topic of abortion.
In June this year, the United States Supreme Court reversed the 1973 Roe vs Wade judgment by a majority of 6-3. Until then, abortion was considered a constitutional right, and in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, women in America had the choice of getting an abortion. However, overturning the landmark judgment allowed all 50 states in the country to decide whether to ban abortion or not.
The 65-year-old was far from pleased with that, stating that she felt like she was back in a totalitarian country where she grew up (Czechoslovakia).
"I feel like I am back in a totalitarian country where I grew up- Czech Republic, now a thriving democracy- and I am feeling disoriented. After Soviet Union fell and Czechoslovakia and all Soviet bloc countries were freed I thought what a world we can now have. And now?" she said.
Earlier this month, the former World No. 1 vented her anger at older male politicians who were making decisions for young women when environmentalist Renee Gasch, who is running as a Democrat for Wisconsin State Assembly District 2, revealed the details of her recent appointment with her obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN).
Gasch stated that the authorities had made things even more difficult by banning medicines that softened the cervix and made the insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUD) less painful.
"Cruelty is the point. Also what happens when older white male politicians make medical decisions that doesn’t affect them at all and actually kill women," Navratilova tweeted.