Martina Navratilova recently took a jibe at former president Donald Trump for supposedly stuttering while giving a speech. The 18-time Grand Slam singles winner questioned the mental status of the former president as he struggled through his speech.
Recently, Donald Trump was addressing a crowd at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin about immigration, and his opponent for the presidential election was Kamala Harris. During one of his statements, Trump appeared to have stuttered and struggled to form coherent sentences.
"Disgusting illegal alien who was let into the United States by Kamala and her lax law-- she, they, every one of my killer -- we had the, she had the, he had the, he would've never been able to get in. She stopped every single one of them," Trump said.
One social media account took note of this and claimed the Republicans made fun of Joe Biden for the same. Navratilova replied to this, commenting that the more she heard, the less it made sense.
"Omg- the more you see this the less sense it makes. He is gone," Martina Navratilova wrote.
Another X account said it was the worst they had seen Trump in an election rally, being angry, incoherent, and detached from reality.
"This is the worst I've ever seen him. Irrationally angry, incoherent, unable to stand up straight, out of breath, spinning out stories of things that never happened. Mentally shattered, physically unwell, absolutely detached from reality," an X account posted.
Navratilova replied to this and exclaimed:
Martina Navratilova: "Donald Trump is as thick as two short planks"

Martina Navratilova called out former president Donald Trump for saying that most people did not know what phone apps were. During the same speech in Wisconsin, Trump said that immigrants had a phone app that helped them get into the country:
"They have a phone app so that people can come into our country. These are smart immigrants I guess because most people have no idea what the hell a phone app is," Trump said.
Navratilova replied to this and took a jibe at Donald Trump, saying:
"Actually, very few people DONT KNOW what a phone app is… He is as thick as two short planks."
Martina Navratilova is very active on social media, sharing her views on a variety of topics. She is often seen opining on politics and keeping trans women out of women's sports, in addition to tennis.