Former American tennis player Andy Roddick's wife and renowned model, Brooklyn Decker, recently shared some snaps of her old house, in which she lived during her childhood days. The images were posted on Saturday, September 21, as she drove past her hometown.
After catching a glimpse of her old childhood home from her car, the 37-year-old became overwhelmed with nostalgia and emotion. She penned a heartfelt message reflecting on her younger days.
In the note, Decker wrote about modifications that had been made to the house and expressed a desire to take a photo closer. However, she refrained from doing so as she thought people would identify her as a 'creep'. She took to her official Instagram handle to share a photo of the house in her story. Here's what she wrote along with it:
"Today I drove past the house where I grew up, they took down shutters and bushes, added those wood columns, but it's mostly the same. I wanted to get out and take a pic but felt like a creep, so just sniped one from the car."
Andy Roddick opens up about his relationship with wife Brooklyn Decker
2003 US Open winner Andy Roddick and actor Brooklyn Decker have been married since 2009 and have two children together, a son and a daughter. The couple has navigated a long journey together, but not without ups and downs.
A few months back, during an interview, Roddick revealed how their relationship had evolved over the years, navigating through various challenges. During the conversation, the 42-year-old also mentioned that the fear of failure within their relationship served as a powerful motivator for both of them to work through their problems and find solutions.
Roddick said (via GQ meet):
"I went from, 'I don't think I'm gonna get in a serious relationship forever,' and then we were engaged in, like, six months. And then we really got to know each other."
"With our relationship, I think that ego and insecurity about failing - and failing publicly - was very much a motivation to put our heads together and figure this out," he added.
During the interview, the American also revealed that he was a really rough character to deal with during tennis tournaments.