Tennis icon Martina Navratilova took to social media to express her displeasure over Politico's latest issue. The magazine has Meghan Markle on the cover, along with the likes of Elon Musk, Kanye West and Donald Trump.
Politico mentioned that in 2022, people got rid of narcissists like Trump, Musk, West, and Elizabeth Holmes. Navratilova took issue with the magazine putting the Duchess of Sussex alongside these controversial names.
Although Markle has had her fair share of controversy, Navratilova doesn't believe she deserves to be placed alongside Donald Trump and West. Martina Navratilova questioned the magazine and claimed that they "sucked" for doing that.
"Seriously Politico?!? WTAF? Politico sucks on this!!!" tweeted Navratilova.
"If her priority is tennis, then step back a little bit" - Martina Navratilova on Naomi Osaka
In a recent interview with the WTA, Martina Navratilova referred to four-time Grand Slam champion Naomi Osaka as a 'unique' case. She believes that the Japanese should not play every match but should compete in some matches on the tour.
"She’s (Naomi Osaka) a very unique case, in every way. So maybe you need to deal with it uniquely. Maybe she doesn’t have to play all those matches, but she certainly has to play more than she has played," said Navratilova.
"With her, it seems to be the forces outside tennis are affecting her more than anything else. It’s baked in. How she’s set up her life with all those outside interests and influences and demands on her time greater than anybody else," she added.
Martina Navratilova also advised Naomi Osaka to choose her priorities in life. She claimed that she understands if the former World No. 1 doesn't want to be a 'one-trick pony' in terms of her interests.
"If her priority is tennis, then step back a little bit. You don’t have to do it all. It has to suck your energy away from tennis. I’m all for broadening your horizons -- I was never a one-trick pony -- but tennis came first. It doesn’t mean training harder, necessarily, but maybe sometimes doing nothing at all. Put your feet up or go to the beach," Martina stated.
Naomi Osaka has been on the sidelines since her withdrawal from the Toray Pan Pacific Open in September 2022, and has struggled for form throughout the season.