Sejal Bhutada continued her dream run at the Sania Mirza Tennis Academy in Hyderabad. The rising tennis player from Nagpur completed a hat-trick of titles with yet another triumph in the Under-16 girls doubles at the just-concluded AITA Junior Circuit (CS-7).
After Sejal Bhutada won the Under-14 girls doubles last month, she pocketed back-to-back titles in the Under-16 girls doubles to make it three in a row.
In the Under-16 doubles, Sejal and her partner Princy M were given the second seeding. The duo steadily won their matches and clinched the title by beating the recognized pair of Aahana Kaur (Hyderabad) and Shruthi (Pune) 6-2, 7-5 in the final.
The well-contested finale witnessed several long rallies between the two talented pairs. Sejal and Princy pocketed the first set quite easily but faced stiff resistance from Aahana Kaur and Shruthi as the match progressed. Just when it looked like the match would go into the tie-breaker, Sejal and Princy raised their level of play to close out the match in straight sets.
Earlier in the semi-finals, Sejal and Princy defeated the Hyderabad duo of Diya Mattipati and Tejaswi Poturi 6-4, 6-4 to advance to the summit clash. The home supporters cheered Diya and Tejaswi but Sejal and Princy maintained their composure to take the win.
Sejal Bhutada downs Sai Ananya to claim third spot in U-16 singles
In the Under-16 girls singles, Sejal outclassed Sai Ananya 6-2, 6-0 to claim the third spot. In a play-off for third place, Sejal broke her opponent’s serve on a couple of occasions in an excellent all-round display.
Earlier, Sejal went down fighting in the semi-finals against top seed Ika Raju of Hyderabad in a thriller that went into the tie-break.
Her parents Gopal Bhutada and Archana Bhutada were delighted to see their daughter complete the Hyderabad leg in a grand manner.
Sejal’s coaches, Navin More and Vishal Langde from MSLTA Tennis Academy Ram Nagar in Nagpur, lauded her dedication to the sport. NDHTA secretary Sudhir Bhiwapurkar and president Prafulla Kale have congratulated Sejal and her parents.