India’s tennis star Sumit Nagal, who has made heads turn in the last two and half months, has a lot to cheer for. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) Mission Olympic Cell (MOC) will give Nagal financial assistance to partake in international competitions.
Nagal will be covered for tournament expenses, including accommodation, airfare, coaching, and costs for physiotherapists, mental trainers, and fitness coaches.
Last year, Nagal faced financial difficulties, with only INR 80,000 remaining in his bank account, preventing him from training at Germany's Nansel Tennis Academy for the first three months of 2023.
“If I look at my bank balance, I have what I had at the beginning of the year. It is 900 euros. I did get a bit of help. Mr Prashant Sutar is helping me with MAHA Tennis Foundation and I also get monthly (salary) from IOCL, but I don’t have any big sponsor,” Nadal had told PTI in an interview.
Apart from Nagal, equestrian Anush Agarwalla, Judoka Ashmita Dey and shooter Arjun Singh Cheema will also get financial assistance from the Sports Ministry.
Sumit Nagal’s incredible rise
Back in October 2022, Nagal, who had taken a set off Roger Federer in the US Open 2019, was ranked No. 638 in the world. But since January 2024, Nagal has grown leaps and bounds. He pulled off a massive upset in the first round of the Australian Open men’s singles where he defeated Alexander Bublik.
Thereafter, he won the Chennai Open to carry on his impressive run of form. Recently, Nagal broke into the top 100 of the ATP Rankings after being ranked No. 98 in the world.
With the French Open, Wimbledon and US Open coming up, Nagal needs to stay on top of his game to reach greater heights in his career.