American tennis sensation Reilly Opelka has clearly not tired of proving his point as he took another dig at doubles tennis matches.
Opelka, who is highly active on social media and does not shy away from speaking his mind, has been criticizing doubles tennis matches for a few days, claiming that the players are overpaid and that they do not sell tickets outside of the UK.
He reiterated his point of view when he stated that the world's top tennis players hardly ever compete in doubles matches. Additionally, he argued that the draw size for doubles tournaments should be decreased.
"The best tennis players in the world rarely play doubles. Decreasing draw size in doubles would be a good place to start," Opelka wrote.
The American continued by saying that while fans watch the match when the best singles players play doubles, they do not do so when the top doubles players are on the court.
"Exactly! People watch the best singles players play doubles! But they don't watch the best doubles players play doubles," Opelka wrote.
To further support his argument that doubles players are overpaid, Reilly Opelka wrote:
"Agreed not all singles players sell tickets. But not a single doubles player sells tickets. Overpaid is overpaid, hard to argue with math."
How did Reilly Opelka get into this feud?

It all started when a Twitter user suggested that Reilly Opelka play more doubles tournaments as he would be highly successful on the tour and earn a considerable amount as well. The American, however, rejected the notion, claiming that there is "way too much" money in doubles.
"Theres wayyy too much $$ in dubs," Opelka wrote on Twitter.
The big-hitting American added that doubles players are the world's most overpaid athletes.
"Dubs players are the most overpaid athletes in the world," he wrote.
As soon as his tweets sparked controversy, he doubled down by asserting that doubles players don't sell a single ticket outside of the United Kingdom and wrote:
"They don't sell a single ticket outside of the UK, unless its singles players playing doubles. For example, Indian Wells."
However, Reilly Opelka made sure to leave famous doubles partners Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan out of his stance, claiming they sold a lot of tickets.
"The bryan brothers are the only exception, because they sold a lottt of tickets. But yes for sure would say it, its not egotistical its logical. Purely based on math," Opelka wrote.