Model Rhea Pillai has filed a case accusing her former live-in partner and Indian tennis star Leander Paes and his father Vece Paes of domestic violence.
Rhea Pillai has also demanded Rs. 3 lakh for herself as monthly protection against dispossession from her matrimonial home in Mumbai by her estranged live-in partner Leander Paes and Rs. 90,000 for her child, Aiyana, who is studying in one of the most expensive schools in Mumbai. She also stated that Paes failed to financially support her for the last two years.
Paes’ lawyer, Mridula Kadam said, “We have not been served the complaint copy as yet and will respond to it when we get it." The case is likely to come up for hearing on June 30 as the magistrate has fixed the date for Leader's appearance in the court.
Pillai, in her complaint, has also accused Paes’ father of preventing her and Aiyana from entering their Carter Road residence in Bandra. She also stated that she was ill-treated during a birthday party and has also urged the court to prevent Paes from getting any unknown people into the house.
This is not the only instance where the couple have approached the court. The celebrity couple are already fighting a case for the custody of their eight-year old daughter, Aiyana.