The BBC's annual list of 100 inspirational women is out and seven Indian women have made it to the prestigious list including Indian Tennis sensation Sania Mirza. Veteran singer Asha Bhosle, actress Kamini Kaushal, entrepreneurs Smriti Nagpal and Kanika Tekriwal, farmer Rimppi Kumari and campaigner Mumtaz Shaikh are the others who feature in the list.
Each year, BBC names 100 women - leaders in fields ranging from politics and science to journalism and entertainment - from all over the world.
Mirza has had an incredible year in 2015, accumulating accolade after accolade, tournament after tournament. She is one of India's most successful tennis players and in 2015 was both the Wimbledon and US Open women's doubles champion with Martina Hingis of Switzerland.
The pair have won two Grand Slams – Wimbledon and the US Open – in quick succession, taking a total of ten WTA titles in the year. They recently ended the year as the World No. 1 doubles pair.
In 2005, Mirza became the first Indian woman to win a WTA title when she triumphed in her hometown and became the first Indian women’s umber 1 player in the doubles category.
Congratulations Sania Mirza!