Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has been named as a Vice President of the Indian Tennis Players Association. The newly formed body ITPA has four VPs including Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupathi and Somdev Devvarman.
The President of the newly formed association, Jaideep Mukherjea, who was elected recently, is a former Davis Cup captain.
On Sunday, Karti P Chidambaram, who is secretary of ITPA and also AITA Vice President, tweeted:
“Happy to announce that @MirzaSania has consented to be a VP of @TennisITPA and she has been co opted unanimously. Welcome aboard #Sania”
Sania, who is the first female player from India to win a Grand Slam title (2009 Australian Open, 2012 French Open, both with Mahesh Bhupathi), now plays only in doubles. Due to the injuries, she gave up her singles career to prolong her career in doubles.