In a massive blow to India’s medal hopes in tennis at the Asian Games, Somdev Devvarman will not travel to Incheon for the Asian Games. Devvarman is instead concentrating on getting back into the top 100 in the ATP rankings.
"It didn't make sense for my professional career to play," he said. "I have had a tough year dealing with a few injuries unfortunately. My ranking has dropped but I am starting to feel good finally. Breaking into the top 100 is hard enough and by playing a three-week tournament mid season definitely doesn't make sense if my goal is to break back into the top 100," the country's top singles player said.
The Indian is struggling since February this year winning only six matches in 18 tournaments. He feels that this issue not raise questions on him choosing to not represent India.
"Everyone who knows me well or has followed my tennis, knows how much I fight every time I have played for the country. For everyone who plays or have been around in professional tennis, I know they understand my decision. Tennis is a very demanding sport. You play and travel full time and try and make a living under very tough circumstances.
"It's only people who don't know and have never been through the grind that will question me. They don't know what it takes to be a professional day in and day out and they don't understand it. And I can't blame them really. So with the actual tennis fraternity in India, I know all will be just fine," he added.
Devvarman also reiterated that he had informed the All India Tennis Federation (AITA) during Wimbledon Championships this year.
"I initially let them know about my decision around Wimbledon and still went ahead and picked me anyway. I don't really know what they are trying to get at," an irate Somdev said.
"Trying to convince me is one thing, and then just going ahead and putting my name in a squad when I have specifically asked to be excused is just ridiculous.
I have said it time and time again. They are not tennis players. They won't ever understand what it's like for us out there."
Devvarman will be part of the crucial Davis Cup tie against Serbia from September 12 to 14 at the Karnataka State Lawn Tennis Association (KSLTA), Bangalore.
"I am very committed to Davis Cup. Even the one tie (Korea) I voluntarily skipped was for a greater cause to improve conditions for the future. I am still very committed to Davis Cup.And that has nothing to do with AITA.
"I am very close with the captain and coach and all the players and staff and I enjoy my camaraderie with them and enjoy playing for the country. I certainly do not play for AITA," he said.