Garbine Muguruza was trounced for the second straight time at Wimbledon on Tuesday. Her second consecutive early exit from the tournament came at the hands of Beatriz Haddad Maia, who kept her end in check and never let the Spaniard get into the match taking her out in a 6-4, 6-4 result on Court Three at the All-England Tennis Club.
The 2017 champion was more than anxious to make up for her early demise last year, where she only made the second round.
With this year proving much better, the Spaniard would still be tested as she recorded no grass court matches until now.
Muguruza’s expertise would no doubt come into play quickly against the fellow Latin player but with three wins in a row during qualifications, Haddad Maia was able to get into gear faster than the Spaniard. It would come down to the comfort of each player’s game to determine who dug in better.
Muguruza was the first to score, achieving the early break with forceful forehand shots and added a serve to love in the second.
When it looked as if the Spaniard had a dominating run going on, the Brazilian answered with her ability to keep Muguruza back and hold in the third.
She pressed hard in the fourth taking the first three points before the World No. 27 could get into the fourth. It was a comeback too late for Muguruza, who gave Haddad Maia the break to even things.
Haddad Maia made it three, consolidating the break, but couldn’t keep the winning streak going as she failed to get the double break.
With Muguruza even, she hunted down a shot at taking the lead but couldn’t lock down the first break point.
Haddad Maia woke up to build four chances at game point and did so to remain ahead of the Spaniard.
She soon reached a 5-4 stance which challenged Muguruza to hold and force more games in the set. The pressure was too much and cost her big to fall down a set in 47 minutes.
The second set looked to be a comfortable one for Muguruza to ease into the set and make her comeback.
The power from Haddad Maia was still at a level that the Spaniard couldn’t counter against leaving her with less options to work with.
As the games went by with each holding serve, the Brazilian waited for her moment to change the course as the match win was inching closer to her fingers.
She gained the 5-4 hold before going for broke to take down the 27th seed with a late break in the tenth to get match point and take the big victory over the 26th seed in one hour and 30 minutes.