Rule of the week
18. Infractions and Violations
18.1.1. Marking infractions include the following: “Disc Space” – Any part of a defensive player is less than one disc diameter away from the torso of the thrower. However, if this situation is caused solely by movement of the thrower, it is not an infraction.
References / Implications:
18.1.2. A marking infraction may be contested by the defence, in which case play stops.
18.1.3. On the first call of a marking infraction that is not contested, the marker must subtract two (2) from the stall count and continue.
18.1.4. The marker may not restart counting until any illegal positioning has been corrected. To do otherwise is a subsequent marking infraction.
18.1.5. For any subsequent uncontested marking infraction called during the same throwers possession, the marker must restart the count at one (1) and continue.
18.1.6. If, after a marking infraction, the stall count is not corrected, or there is no stall count, a Violation may be called and play shall stop.
18.1.7. If the thrower attempts a pass and a marking infraction is called during the throwing motion or when the disc is in the air, the call has no consequences.