WFDF 2013 rules of Ultimate
Rule of the week
18. Infractions and Violations18.1.1. Marking infractions include the following: “Fast Count” – the marker: starts the stall count before the disc is live, does not start the stall count with the word “Stalling”, counts in less than one second intervals, does not subtract two (2) seconds from the stall count after the first call of any marking infraction, or does not start the stall count from the correct number.
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8. 1. The disc is dead, and no turnover is possible:
8.1.1. After the start of a point, until the pull is released;
8.1.2. After the pull or after a turnover when the disc must be carried to the location of the correct pivot point, until a pivot is established; or
8.1.3. After a call which stops the play or any other stoppage, until the disc is checked in.
8. 2. A disc that is not dead is live.
9. 3. The marker may only start and continue a stall count when:
9.3.1. The disc is live (unless specified otherwise);
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9. 1. The marker administers a stall count on the thrower by announcing “Stalling” and then counting from one(1) to ten (10). The interval between the start of each number in the stall count must be at least one (1) second.
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18.1.3. On the first call of a marking infraction that is not contested, the marker must subtract two (2) from the stall count and continue.
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9. 5. After play stops the stall count is resumed as follows:
9.5.1. After an uncontested breach by the defence the stall count is reset to one (1).
9.5.2. After an uncontested breach by the offence the stall count restarts at maximum nine (9).
9.5.3. After a contested stall-out the stall count restarts at maximum eight (8).
9.5.4. After all other calls the stall count restarts at maximum six (6).
9. 6. To restart a stall count “at maximum n”, where “n” is a number between one (1) and nine (9), means to announce “stalling” followed by the count at one more than the last number uttered prior to the stoppage, or by “n” if that value is greater than “n”.