Experienced players and coaches seem to unanimously agree with the above statement and many of them reveal that this drill (or a version of it) is a staple of all their practices. (I’ll save you the trouble of having to open a new window to look for proof: Ultimate Rob, Kyle Weisbrod, Lou Burrus)
Marking is an often overlooked skill that pays excellent dividends when worked on. Stall 7 Vs Falcons game in progress at Chennai Heat 2013. Photo Credits : Deepthi Indukuri Sports n Photography
How does the drill work?
The 3 player marking drill is pretty simple. Two players stand 10-15 yards apart, one of them with a disc (thrower). A third player marks the thrower straight up (flat mark). The thrower tries to beat the mark and get a throw off to the static receiver.
This is how rotation works: Once the thrower has released the disc he runs over to the receiver and becomes the new mark. Here’s a 2 minute video of how the drill should look.
What resources / equipment do I need?
Players: This drill requires a minimum of 3 players. (can be changed up to suit 4 players. Check suggested modifications)
Cones: 2 for every 3 players (1 to indicate thrower position and 1 for receiver position)
Discs: 1 disc for every 3 players
What should I be doing as a coach?
- Demonstrate marking, faking, throwing and catching. Highlight good habits (eg: clap catch instead of a single handed catch, remaining calm to be able to throw under pressure, being mobile as a mark etc.)
- Explain ‘not initiating contact’.
- Highlight good examples: Use players who fake / mark well as role models
- Ask questions – How do you fake convincingly?
- Match players of similiar experience so they are challenged
- Quick summary of pointers for coaches
Marker: Stay low (low hips – don’t hunch), balanced, stay on the balls of your feet, shuffle with short steps (don’t lunge), use both hands and feet to mark, disc space.
Thrower: Fake hard and convincingly (everything but the release), balance, pivot (and also learn to beat the mark without pivoting – use a higher or lower release point), don’t travel
I want to run this every week but my players get easily bored. How can I modify this drill to keep it interesting?
- Beat the mark! You can add restrictions for the thrower like no upside down throws, no throws that have too much curve on them.
- Reduce stall count: Instead of having a stall count of 10, you can reduce it to 5/6 so the thrower has to practice getting of the disc more quickly. (stall comes in at 5)
- Switch the order of rotation: Run this drill for a few minutes and then switch up the order of rotation so players get to mark/throw against someone else.
- ‘Look mom, no hands!’: The mark is allowed to use only his feet to block throws. His hands are behind the back and the only way they can take away throws is by shuffling from side to side.
- For 4 players: You can modify this drill and run it with 4 people and then you would simply have 3 people in a triangle and run it the same as with 3 – mark, throw, go. (HT Ultimate Rob)
- Intermediate / Advanced – Keep score: Keep score, challenge players!
- Advanced- The fouling mark: Get the mark to foul the thrower. The thrower is forced to stay composed and get comfortable getting throws off while being fouled.
Are there any safety considerations that I should be aware of?
- Teach players to mark without fouling. One disc space!
- Throwers may step into their mark while trying to pivot. Teach them to step out sideways instead of in front. Emphasize on not initiating physical contact.
- If you have more players, ensure adequate spacing between groups.
Quick summary of selling points
- Inclusive: Works across experience / skill levels and benefits all levels as it emphasizes on solid fundamentals
- Amazing ROI – You are either throwing, marking, catching or running for the entire duration of the drill ; Very little standing around / watching – makes for more returns for the time you invest!
- Encourages you to think on your feet – When throwing / marking, you have the opportunity to ‘read’ your opponents tendencies and adapt your approach for the subsequent throws.
- You only need 3 people to get the maximum out of it. You can probably run it on the day of your least attendance!