Beyond the Gates, a new American soap opera produced by Michele Val Jean, will premiere on CBS on February 24, 2025. The show is set in the fictitious Fairmont Estates, a gated neighborhood in a rich Maryland suburb near Washington, D.C. It follows the Dupree family—Vernon, Anita, Nicole, and Dani—who are regarded as a strong multigenerational family.
In the Beyond the Gates teaser, Karla Mosley plays Dani Dupree, a dramatic and determined figure. Dani, a former model turned mother, reveals her fiery side in difficult scenes, including a heated exchange with her ex-husband.
It is the first new network soap since Passions in 1999 and the first daytime soap opera featuring a preponderance of African-American characters since Generations (1989–1991). The show began filming in Atlanta, Georgia, in November 2024.
More about the Beyond the Gates preview
The new Beyond the Gates trailer portrays Dani Dupree, played by Karla Mosley, as a daring and aggressive character. The sitcom premieres on CBS on February 24, 2025, and follows the Dupree family, a wealthy and influential group that lives in the posh Fairmont Estates.
Dani is a former model who quit the industry to raise her family. Now, she oversees her children's life as a mother while coping with personal issues. The trailer depicts her fiery attitude, particularly in a stressful moment in which she hits her ex-husband, Bill Hamilton, played by Timon Durrett.
The show, which is set in an exclusive gated community in Maryland, examines the Dupree family's opulent lifestyle to create an emotionally compelling tale.
The cast is primarily African-American, making it the first daytime soap opera to do so in decades. CBS will broadcast the Beyond the Gates episodes, and Paramount Plus will stream them afterward.
Cast of Beyond the Gates
The show features a diverse group of writers, producers, and actors. Michele Val Jean is the creator and chief writer, with Sara A. Bibel, Ron Carlivati, Robert Guza Jr., and Christopher Dunn serving as assistant writers.
Actor Maurice Johnson plays Dr. Ted Richardson. Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, while Alex Alegria plays Tomas Navarro. Maurice P. Kerry, Ben Gavin, and Tamara Tunie play major parts in the series. Clifton Davis, Michelle Visage, and Karla Mosley make special cameos, adding to the story's complexity.
Kurt Farquhar directs the music for the whole series, while Jeresa Featherstone is in charge of costume design. Bruton Jones conducts production design, which includes crafting the show's visual environments. Wankaya Hinkson and Stevie Martin lead the hair and makeup teams, which ensure that characters are presented consistently.