Beyond the Gates is set to release on CBS as part of its daytime show lineup on February 24, 2025. The soap, created by Michele Val Jean, is likely to be a blend of high-stakes drama with a fresh perspective on the lives of a wealthy African-American family. The show features a cast including Tamara Tunie, Clifton Davis, Daphnee Duplaix, and more.
The soap's release marks a significant moment in daytime television history as the first daytime soap opera to feature a predominantly Black cast since Generations (1989–1991), as per People. The plot unfolds in a luxury-gated community of Fairmont Estates in Maryland and takes the audience through the lives of the powerful, multi-generational Dupree clan, described as "Black royalty."
When will Beyond the Gates premiere, and how will it air?
Beyond the Gates premieres officially on CBS on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 2 pm ET. Episodes will be available to watch on-demand the following day on Paramount+.
The show can also be streamed through live TV streaming services, including FuboTV, Hulu with Live TV, and YouTube TV.
The cast of Beyond the Gates
The cast of Beyond the Gates is a mixture of veteran and rising stars who bring the intricate characters to life in Fairmont Estates. Key cast members include:
- Tamara Tunie as Anita Dupree: She is the matriarch of the Dupree family and was once a famous singer who has two daughters with her retired senator husband.
- Clifton Davis as Vernon Dupree: He is a gentle and generous patriarch of the family.
- Daphnee Duplaix as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson: A high-achieving psychiatrist and philanthropist.
- Karla Mosley as Dani Dupree: A former model turned momager.
- Brandon Claybon as Martin Richardson: A congressman with ambitions of becoming the first openly gay Black President.
- Timon Durrett as Bill Hamilton: Dani's ex-husband and a charismatic defense attorney.
- Sean Freeman as Andre Richardson: A photographer and nephew to Ted Richardson.
- Marquita Goings as Hayley Lawson: Bill’s intelligent fiancée and paralegal.
The ensemble also includes Lauren Buglioli, Mike Manning, Jen Jacob, and more.
What is the plot of Beyond the Gates?
Set in the elite Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C., the soap Beyond the Gates explores a wealthy family's world. The series follows the issues of the life and professional troubles of the "Black royalty" within the privileged yet mysterious enclave of Fairmont Estates.
Based on the trailers, the show is possibly about to delve into aspects of power, ambitions, love, and betrayal about the lives of "Black royalty" in the community that balances prestige and intrigue.
Behind the manicured lawns and gated facades lie secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. The soap promises a compelling mix of drama, whether it's Martin's political aspirations, Dani's struggles as a single mother, or Anita's efforts to maintain the family's legacy.
As per IMDb, this is the first all-new daytime soap in 25 years to premiere on a major US network. Co-produced between CBS Studios and the NAACP, the new series forms a larger initiative at bringing more underrepresented voices to prominence in mainstream television.
Michele Val Jean, the showrunner, is known for writing for the hit daytime soap The Bold and the Beautiful. A fresh look in the story with affluence and ambition that reflects the Black experience is also on board for Beyond the Gates. Teasers hint at evolving dynamics within the Dupree family, such as Martin's political journey, Dani's challenges as a mother, and Anita's efforts to reconcile past decisions.
Beyond the Gates is set to explore the lives of the Dupree family, weaving together humor, heartfelt moments, and complex character journeys.