Days of Our Lives first aired on November 8, 1965 on NBC. The show, created by Betty and Ted Corday, is set in the fictional town of Salem and mainly focuses on the lives of the Brady, Horton, DiMera, and Kiriakises families. The upcoming week's episodes of the show, from January 13, 2025, to January 17, 2025, will focus on Sarah confronting Kate and Philip regarding a forged letter.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Days of Our Lives and might have speculative elements. Reader discretion is advised.
EJ DiMera will be seen taking help from Arnold to help solve his problems, and Tate will be shown throwing a big and thoughtful surprise for Holly. This will lead to a disagreement when she sees Tate's growing closeness with Sophia.
3 major developments to expect on Days of Our Lives from January 13, 2025, to January 17, 2025
1) Sarah's heated confrontation with Kate and Philip
In the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives, the storyline will show Sarah Horton finding out that the letter that Victor Kiriakis supposedly wrote was a forged one. The letter granted Philip complete control over Titan Industries. Her revelation would involve Philip and Kate, whom she will confront regarding the forgery.
Sarah will be asking both of them to keep the secret from coming out, as it could have far-reaching consequences. If Xander Cook finds out, he will turn extremely violent and hostile, especially against Philip. Sarah Horton will be seen trying to protect Philip, do damage control, and hold Kate and Philip accountable for this betrayal.
2) EJ DiMera's schemes of taking help from Arnold
In the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives, EJ will be shown trying to take advantage of Rafe's situation by getting help from Arnold Feniger, who had been Rafe's lookalike. EJ's character on the show is known for relentlessly complicating a situation or causing distress to others for his own personal gain.
The spoilers for the upcoming episodes reveal that Jada will be shown questioning EJ and trying to find out about Rafe's whereabouts. Arnold Feniger will be the one coming out from under the tunnels during Jada and EJ's confrontation, making the latter uncomfortable.
Recently, on Days of Our Lives, EJ has been shown to fully know the harm and hurt that Arnold has caused to the residents of Salem. Arnold had tackled Rafe, rendered him unconscious, and locked him up in the DiMera tunnels. EJ will be shown taking assistance from Arnold despite knowing his history.
3) Tate's surprise for Holly and her suspicion regarding Sophia
In this week's episodes, Tate Donovan will be shown trying to pull off and organize a romantic gesture as a surprise for Holly Jonas. His efforts will be shown to help both of them deepen their bond and connection, further moving forward in their relationship. Holly will be seen acknowledging his sincere efforts.
Meanwhile, Holly will also be skeptical and suspicious of Tate's growing closeness to Sophia. The love triangle could potentially cause issues in the couple's relationship. It remains to be seen how Holly deals with the situation.
Fans of Days of Our Lives can stream episodes on Peacock.