NBC's Days of Our Lives, which now airs its episodes on Peacock, first premiered on American television on November 8, 1965. The show was created by the couple Betty and Ted Corday and has kept fans entertained for decades with its captivating storylines. The show is set in the fictional city of Salem and revolves around the happenings in the lives of the members of the Brady, Horton, DiMera, and Kiriakis families.
The upcoming week's episodes of Days of Our Lives from January 20, 2025, to January 24, 2025, will shed light on many ongoing storylines.
Joy and Alex will be seen taking their casual relationship to the next level, Rachel will be shown running away causing her family a lot of tension and Bonnie will be seen suffering from a major fall.
3 major developments to expect on Days of Our Lives from January 20, 2025, to January 24, 2025
1) Alex and Joy's complicated relationship
Recently on Days of Our Lives, Alex and Joy were shown spending a considerable amount of time with each other. In the upcoming week's episodes, Alex will be shown revealing to Joy that he enjoys her company and wishes to take this relationship forward.
Joy will be shown revealing to somebody that she is officially together with Alex. While Alex and Joy will be shown enjoying their time together, Stephanie will be shown being heartbroken.
She will see Alex and Joy hugging, which would cause her to open up about her true feelings to Alex. She will confess to him that she still has strong feelings for him, causing Alex to be stuck in a fix.
2) Rachel's disappearance in Salem
In the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives, Marlena will be shown telling Steve that her granddaughter, Rachel, has been missing. Both the Black and the DiMera families will be shown being tense about Rachel's whereabouts in Salem.
While Rachel's ulterior motives for running away could be to try to make sure her parents Kristen and Brady reconcile, the couple will actually be shown leaning on each other for comfort during this distressing time.
The Salem Police Department will be shown receiving news about a car accident that caused a little girl to be hit and the description of the girl matches that of Rachel.
Shawn and Belle will be shown trying to find out further details. Viewers are yet to find out whether or not it was Rachel who had the accident.
3) Bonnie's sudden accident raising suspicion
In this week's episodes of Days of Our Lives, Bonnie will be shown inside the Salem University Hospital. She will be shown being extremely distracted by her cell phone while entering the elevator, causing her to fall in a tragic manner.
While Alex will try to prevent her from falling by calling out to her, it will be shown to be too late.
Bonnie's husband Justin will be shown arriving to investigate the fall and exclaiming that it was probably not a fall and an attempt to hurt her.
While chaos ensues in the hospital, an unknown person is shown putting a red cross on a headshot picture of Bonnie, which would show that it was indeed not an accident but an attack.
Fans and interested viewers can watch Days of Our Lives by streaming episodes on Peacock.