NBC's Days of Our Lives first premiered on November 8, 1965, and has kept fans engaged with their storylines for decades. It won numerous Daytime Emmy Awards, including the prestigious Outstanding Drama Series. The show is set in the fictional town city of Salem and mainly focuses on the Bradys, Hortons, DiMera, and Kiriakises families.
The upcoming week's preview of the Days of Our Lives episodes from January 6, 2025, to January 10, 2025, which was released on the official Facebook page of the show, indicates that the episodes will have major disclosures and plot twists. The preview displays that Chanel, after having the revelation about her husband's infidelity with Joy, will go to her mother, Paulina Price, for comfort. Chanel will also be shown confronting Joy in a dramatic manner.
Days of Our Lives will also showcase Rafe Hernandez's sudden encounter with a known face from Salem, which may have consequences on his personal life. At the same time, rumors about Sami Brady's return to Salem with her child spread throughout the city. The preview also suggests that Claire Brady's return could also be on the cards for the residents of Salem.
Days of Our Lives: Salem residents will have a week filled with shocking twists, secrets and scandals
Chanel found out recently on the show that her husband Johnny had been unfaithful to her with Joy, which caused the two of them to have a heated confrontation. This week, the couple will be shown struggling to hold on to their marriage while they both seek advice about what to do.
Chanel will reach out to her mother, Paulina Price, while Johnny will be shown going to Abe Carver. The preview suggests that the couple will potentially come to a conclusion that might end their marriage or reunite them. Chanel will also be seen confronting Joy Wesley face-to-face regarding Johnny and her intimate relationship.
The preview of Days of Our Lives implies that the confrontation will lead to a heated argument when Chanel discovers more secrets about Johnny and Joy's clandestine relationship. Their fight could also potentially involve other Salem dwellers as well.
While the preview does not hint who it is, Rafe Hernandez will be shown running into a known face from his past in Salem. This person could cause harm to Rafe as he is seen being suspicious about their actions. Rafe was shown struggling to come to terms with the fact that his past resurfaced, causing him emotional turmoil.
Rumors about Sami Brady returning with a child have been ripe in Salem, and according to the preview, her ex-husband Lucas Horton's life could potentially be disrupted due to her arrival. While the parentage of the child is yet to be revealed, Sami's return could cause tensions to rise in the Brady family. Her resurfacing could also probably affect EJ DiMera, who had been in a long-term relationship with her.
Claire Brady's return to Salem could also be an important storyline for Days of Our Lives this week, as her arrival would mean new plot twists and trouble. Her appearance could be tied to Ciara Brady, Ben Weston, and her grandparents, John Black and Marlena Evans. Only the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives will be able to shed light on these storylines.
Fans can watch Days of Our Lives episodes on Peacock.