The recent episodes of Days of Our Lives aired between August 12, 2024, and August 16, 2024, showed Fiona Cook and Roman Brady escaping from the crime scene where Fiona accidentally hit someone with her car. It was later revealed that the victim of the accident was none other than Sarah Horton who had been missing since she left to help her mother Maggie at Horton Cabin.
The absence of Sarah on Days of Our Lives led to the relentless quest of Xander Kiriakis to find her and Fiona trying to make sure that Brady does not remember what happened the night of the accident as he had passed out. Meanwhile, on the show, the hit-and-run case was taken over by Jada Hunter, who was also requested by Xander to tell him all he knew about the case.
Jada had already suspected something was up with Roman Brady and Fiona Cook but didn’t have any proof. The situation didn’t remain the same for long as the Salem Police Department found a lead on the case due to which Jada seemed excited about cracking the case.
Development on Sarah’s hit-and-run case on Days of Our Lives
In the Days of Our Lives episodes aired on August 13, 2024, the viewers saw Fiona Cook and Roman Brady getting into an accident on the night when they were returning from Small Bar to Fiona’s house, intoxicated, leading to Brady passing out in the car.
Even before the newly married couple Sarah Horton and Xander Kiriakis could go on a honeymoon and celebrate their long-awaited togetherness, their happiness was marred by Fiona Cook, as she accidentally hit Sarah from Roman Brady’s car. Sarah, who was going to her mother Maggie to help her out, was left in a nearly dying condition on the street by Fiona.
Sarah was then rescued and taken to the hospital but the damage in this accident left her paralyzed. Roman Brady who had passed out on the night of the accident, noticed the scraped paint of his car following which he tried to remember about what happened the night when Fiona accidentally hit someone.
The twist is that Brady does not even remember if he was the one responsible for the accident or Fiona. What if he thinks that he is the one who hit Sarah in that accident? Well, this is yet to be discovered. Looking at the past tracks of Fiona, it is hard to tell how she could manipulate the situation to save herself from any trouble.
However, currently on Days of Our Lives, it can be seen that Fiona and Brady have teamed up to get over this situation and save themselves. Although it looks difficult for them to escape the crime they have committed at the Salem Police Department, Jada Hunter and Mayor Paulina Price found the video footage of a gray car at the crime scene where Sarah got into the hit-and-run accident.
As soon as they look at the video, Jada announces as if they have cracked the case. But it is yet to be revealed if the video could lead them to Fiona Cook or not.
“I think we just broke this case wide open!” said Jada.
Fans of Days of Our Lives can watch the new episodes of the show on Peacock.