Danger, friendship, and retribution crisscross the plot of Days of Our Lives for Friday, March 21, 2025. In the wake of Commissioner Jada Hunter reaching out for evidence against EJ DiMera, while the latter's son, Johnny, discovers a heinous secret from his past, EJ's story arc awaits an unexpected twist.
Elsewhere, Doug Williams III is still planning out ways of returning Julie Williams the heirloom necklace that he stole. He has Holly Jonas to support his endeavor. Elsewhere, Holly Jonas will reconnect with her boyfriend, Tate Black, after their last lover's tiff.
On Thursday's Days of Our Lives episode, EJ confronted Kate Roberts for revealing Johnny's conception secret. Moreover, he threatened to harm Kate's children for her actions. At the same time, Jada informed Paulina Price about Rachel Blake knowing about Rafe Hernandez's captivity, since the latter was held at Aremid, the Blake house.
While Rafe comforted Johnny, Kristen DiMera agreed to help turn EJ in to save her mother, Rachel Blake. Rachel revealed the fact to EJ under pressure, and EJ, in return, got the memory-loss serum from his safe.
Meanwhile, Days of Our Lives remains one of the longest-running daily soaps, which premiered in November 1965.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative and may contain spoilers.
Days of Our Lives: Julie sees Melinda wearing the Horton necklace
Doug Williams III and Holly Jonas had asked Melinda Trask to return the Horton family necklace in exchange for a higher amount than the price she paid. However, Melinda refused, leading to Doug and Holly strategizing a theft to get the heirloom jewelry back.
Friday, March 21, 2025, will find Melinda joining Kristen DiMera for lunch at The Bistro wearing the jewelry around her neck. At the same time, Julie Williams will arrive at the same restaurant to enjoy lunch with JJ Deveraux and Doug III. However, she will spot Melinda wearing her grandmother's jewelry.
Worked up by the sight, Julie will likely advance towards Melinda, scaring the latter. As Julie will accuse Melinda of stealing her family's heirloom property, Melinda will possibly deny saying that she bought it. She may even mention her seller.
In this ensuing chaos, Doug may feel guilty for causing the problem. Whether he considers coming clean to his grandmother remains to be seen.
Days of Our Lives: Danger awaits EJ in his home
On Thursday's episode, dated March 20, 2025, EJ DiMera coaxed out information from Rachel Blake that Kristen DiMera and Jada Hunter were planning to make her a witness to give evidence against him. Armed with this information, EJ planned to wipe out Rachel's memory using Dr. Rolf's memory serum, which he got from his safe.
The story arc will continue to show Rachel and EJ having a confrontation on Friday's episode dated March 21, 2025. EJ will try his best to inject the serum into Kristen's mother. The soap's spoilers suggest Kristen will arrive home from Jada's office and realize EJ's plot. She may go for instant revenge by using the Blake family's gun that she confiscated from her mother.
Whether Kristen DiMera shoots EJ DiMera or someone else is behind his predicted gunshot injury remains to be seen.
Days of Our Lives: Tate and Holly reconnect after their tiff

Tate Black and Holly Jonas have not been on talking terms since their last argument over Holly's friendship with Doug III. However, Holly will learn about Tate's family issues, from his grandfather, John Black, missing, to his maternal grandmother, Kimberly Donovan's cancer.
As such, she will meet Tate to comfort him in his hour of need. Tate will likely open up about everything going on in his family and how that is worrying him. He may also make some distressing predictions about John and Kimberly. With this, Holly will put aside her anger and provide solace to her boyfriend.
Catch the upcoming Days of Our Lives' episode on Friday, March 21, 2025, for all the latest drama in Salem city.