Days of Our Lives was suspended at many cliffhangers on the episode dated Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Rafe Hernandez suddenly awoke from his months-long coma at Paulina Price's call. However, the teasers at the end of the episode showed Rafe staring at Gabi and Jada suspiciously. By the look of him, he is angry, while the two women look worried in the shot. It hints at the possibility of Rafe losing his memory and not being able to recognise his sister and his fiancee.
While the audience knows that Connie is responsible for Rafe's condition, the others in Salem City do not know it as yet. They have been waiting for Rafe to wake up and reveal the truth. However, if the victimized cop is amnesiac, it makes for an uphill task for the authorities to capture the culprit.
Days of Our Lives: Rafe wakes up from his coma but looks wary
In a surprising twist in Days of Our Lives's Tuesday's episode, Mayor Paulina Price asked to be left beside Rafe's bed. When alone after both Jada and Gabi left, Paulina ordered Rafe Hernandez to wake out of the coma. Surprisingly, Rafe opened his eyes, for the first time in months.
While Rafe's waking up is good news for viewers of Days of Our Lives, his sister, Gabi, and his fiancee, Jada, were not looking pleased in the teaser shot. Both the women were seen looking at him anxiously while the man himself had a mixed expression of anger and mistrust.
Going by the vibe in the teaser shot, Rafe may have lost his memory. If he does not recognize Jada and Gabi, he would sceptically look at them like the expression he seems to have on his face. Also, his wariness and lack of memory would likely make him angry, since he won't be able to figure out his situation.
While this situation would be a deterrent in the investigation process, the two women and the Mayor may want to keep this current development a secret. They will want to save the amnesiac victim from being a repeat target if the perpetrator knows he is awake.
Rafe's journey so far in Days of Our Lives
FBI Agent Rafe Hernandez, played by Galen Gering, was introduced in the Days of Our Lives storyline in 2008. Rafe ended up falling in love with Sami Brady, even though he had come to Salem to defend him. He assisted in exposing EJ and returning Sydney to Sami.
After his short affairs with Carrie Brady, Kate Roberts and Jordan Ridgeway, Rafe had a serious relationship with Hope Brady. They made a great team in the Salem Police Department while tying the knot. However, the relationship dwindled with Rafe cheating on her with Sami and Hope's brainwashing.
Rafe left town to attend to his family and Hope left before he returned. Rafe accepted the position of Police Commissioner for Salem City and indulged in affairs with Ava and Nicole simultaneously. While Ava tried to frame him, Nicole moved back to her former lover Eric.
Rafe resisted getting involved with co-worker Jada Hunter but lost his job due to his romantic involvement. However, the newly elected Mayor, Paulina, changed the rules and reinstated Rafe as the commissioner. Rafe worked hard to get falsely accused Gabi out of prison while trying to bust the drug cartel run by Clyde.
As Rafe started getting close to solving the mystery behind Li's murder, he was stabbed in the back by Connie. That put him in a coma that lasted months till he woke up on September 10, 2024, on Days of Our Lives.
However, if Rafe is unable to recognize people around him or remember anything from his attack, it will jeopardize the case. He will also likely not remember his own investigations into Li's murder either. Moreover, this will place his life in danger as when Connie wants to eliminate him, he may be unprepared for the assault.
Whether Rafe is completely amnesiac or has snippets of memory to aid the investigations in Salem PD is unclear as of now. Catch the latest drama in the upcoming episodes on Days of Our Lives to know more about Rafe's condition.