Days of Our Lives teases the return of a known trouble maker

Days of Our Lives (Image via Instagram / dayspeacock)
Days of Our Lives (Image via Instagram / dayspeacock)

Days of Our Lives teased the return of Diana Colville, a trouble-making character now played by Judith Chapman. Diana's reintegration is established when her son Leo starts therapy sessions with Dr. Marlena Evans and talks about his difficult background with his mother.

Diana was played by Genie Francis when she initially arrived on the show in 1987. The character was soon sucked into a web of romance and mystery. Diana killed Victor Kiriakis and harmed John while trying to kill her ex-Cal.

She was last seen in 1989 when she was imprisoned. Diana's potential return to the storyline comes at an ideal time for her to cause problems again, considering her five-year jail sentence and John and Marlena's current weaknesses.

Her past of deceit and manipulation has left her with profound scars, as fans are aware, so her possible return would create intense tension and drama that would hit Days of Our Lives like never before.


Days of Our Lives potential turning point

Leo's therapy sessions with Marlena have begun to reveal more about his problematic connection with his mother and to lift the veil from his tragic background. As Leo explores these upsetting memories further, the prospect of Diana's comeback looms large.

Diana might be eligible for parole soon, as five years in prison is a long time. This possible release would set her dramatic reintroduction into the Days of Our Lives sphere in motion. The drama in Days of Our Lives was rekindled in 2019 with Diana Colville's return. Diana made her presence known as soon as she accompanied her son Leo into town.

Over the years, her fixation with John had not lessened, which had caused her to devise a number of falsehoods and schemes. She poisoned Marlena in an attempt to destroy her and made up the story that Leo was John's son. Diana was imprisoned as a result of these acts, and she has been there for the last five years.

The implications of Diana’s return

There is little question that Diana Colville's homecoming would cause a stir in Days of Our Lives. Her reputation for dishonesty and duplicity has always made her a horrific character. The stories surrounding Leo, John, and Marlena would change with Diana's arrival, possibly rekindling old rivalries and creating fresh conflicts.

Diana's comeback may make Leo less likely to seek atonement or give him a chance to find closure. Perhaps the last step toward his recovery will be to face his mother and the suffering she inflicted. Diana's comeback poses a challenge to John and Marlena's hard-won stability.

Diana’s troubled history

The original plot of Diana's narrative concerned her love affair with John Black. Their relationship was fraught with internal struggle and exterior difficulties, making it everything but simple.

Diana's involvement in a plan against Victor Kiriakis, which revolved around a strange computer disk, was a defining feature of the 1980s soap opera storyline and signaled her entrance in Days of Our Lives.

Diana's life became much more complex when she received an inheritance from her father, as her mother and Victor plotted to take advantage of her riches. Her relationship with John was a rollercoaster. She would sometimes turn to him for safety, and other times, her retaliatory acts would drive him away.

When Diana's ex-boyfriend Cal comes back to town, the plot reaches its conclusion. Diana tried to shoot Cal but inadvertently shot John in a tense encounter. Diana suddenly departed Days of Our Lives after this occurrence, which put John in a coma. She was never to be seen for years until her son Leo reappeared.

Leo’s redemption

One of the most unexpected changes on Days of Our Lives has been the transition of Leo Stark from a troublemaker to a more worthy character. Leo has begun to change from the cunning and deceitful person he previously was.

He started working, and his attempts to create a moral core indicate this change. Still, obstacles have prevented his atonement, the most recent one being the complex bond he has with his mother, Diana Colville.

Dr. Marlena Evans' therapy sessions with Leo have emerged as a central theme in his personal growth. Leo has started to talk openly throughout these sessions about the challenges he had as a child with Diana.

Since Marlena has a difficult past with Diana, she has empathized with this disclosure. Marlena's professional knowledge and sensitivity may play a crucial role in helping Leo make sense of his history and find closure.

John Black (Image via Sportskeeda)
John Black (Image via Sportskeeda)

John and Marlena’s vulnerability

Two of Days of Our Lives' most cherished characters, John and Marlena, are presently overcoming obstacles of their own. They are vulnerable because of the pawn plot, and Diana's possible reappearance might worsen things. Diana's return would resurrect old grievances and present fresh disputes that would strain their bond.

The fact that Marlena and Leo are professionally involved adds another level of complication to the picture. As his therapist, she knows Leo's innermost anxieties and traumas, and many of them are connected to Diana.

Fans can subscribe to Peacock and, in some countries, can watch Days of Our Lives on Amazon Prime Video.

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