General Hospital is the longest-running soap opera of the American Broadcasting Company. The show has featured many recurring actors who have added depth to the show's plotline. One such character is Brick, played by Stephan A Smith.
Stephan Anthony Smith, also known as Stephan A Smith, is an American sports journalist. He is known to host many radio sports programs and television shows. Stephan has hosted many programs on ESPN related to the NBA.
Stephan A Smith first appeared in General Hospital as Brick in 2007. Initially a cameo, his role became recurring. Since 2016, Stephan has appeared on General Hospital nearly every year, playing a brief role every year till 2022. He returned to the show in January 2024.
Brick's journey on General Hospital
Brick is a fictional character on the daytime show General Hospital, played by Stephen A Smith. The character was first introduced in 2007 during the Metro Court hostage crisis for a brief period.
Brick made a comeback in 2016, with his episodes airing on March 31 and April 1. He also appeared in August 2016 for a few scenes. In 2017, he returned to help Sonny Corinthos trace a mysterious call from Russia, around the time it was revealed that Patient Six was Jason Morgan.
In 2018, Brick appeared as a technician who fixed Mike Corbin’s phone. In February 2019, he returned and helped Sonny find Dante Falconeri, and in July 2019, he helped forge documents to prove that Dev was a distant family member of Sonny.
In 2020, he again helped Sonny gather information about Cyrus Renault, and find Julian Jerome so that Sonny could question him about Dev’s death caused by a bomb.
In 2021, when Sonny was presumed dead, Brick helped Carly and Jason to handle things against Cyrus. He also took Britt and Jason to the safe house when Jason was shot while trying to save Britt.
In March 2022, Sonny asked Brick and Damian Spinelli to find out who leaked Cameron and Josslyn’s s*x tape. Sonny also introduced Brick to his new employee, Dex Heller, whom Brick didn’t like much. Though Sonny defended Dex, he also asked Brick to find out about Dex’s past.
In November of the same year, Brick introduced Sonny to Nina Reeves, who later told Sonny that she saw Brick with Carly. When Sonny questioned Brick about this meeting, Brick cleared him that there was nothing between them, but still, he couldn’t tell him why Carly wanted to meet. Sonny gave another task to Brick to find out about the Pikeman Security group before he would sign any deal with them.
In 2023, Brick again came in to find out who tried killing Sonny, but he was not able to find the person. Brick helped Sonny find out the background of Cyrus.
In the recent plotline when Brick appeared in January 2024, Jordan Ashford asked Brick for help regarding a weapon and a call that was related to John Brennan. At the same time, Brick was upset with Sonny, who suspected Brick of being a mole. Brick eventually proved that it was not him who broke Sonny’s trust, but Dex.
Brick has been an ultimate support to Sonny throughout his journey on General Hospital. Fans can keep watching General Hospital on CBS to find out how Brick will help and support Sonny and his close ones.