The British television soap opera Emmerdale recently revealed the identity of a mystery character, Rose, played by Christine Tremarco. Emmerdale is set in a fictional village in the Yorkshire Dales. It was first broadcast on October 16, 1972, filmed at Leeds Studios.
The episode on April 25 featured a new character as Will was visiting the hospital. Will leaves his meeting with Kim Tate and Billy Fletcher at Home Farm to take a private phone call. Later, Dawn asked about Will's whereabouts, and Kim said that Will had some work. However, Dawn had just seen Will's truck in the yard.
"Must have got my wires crossed," Kim admitted.
Will heard a familiar voice speaking to the nurses, and as he entered the room, he saw a woman named Rose with her arm in a sling. This scene came as quite a shock to the viewers as they did not expect such a twist in the story. It has audiences wondering who the new character is and what she has to do with Will and his past.
Who is the new mystery character Rose on Emmerdale?
Viewers discover Will has been called to the hospital as Rose's next-of-kin, but the former wants his name removed from the file. Will Taylor, portrayed by Dean Andrews, first appeared on April 17, 2019.
"We mean nothing to each other," Will insisted.
However, Rose looked okay with Will's reaction and replies,
"Same page, babycakes! There's a first, eh?"
Eventually, it is revealed that the two had been in a relationship years ago, with Rose insisting she "had to leave to live." Will gets angry and blames her for "ditching her daughter," thus revealing that Dawn is Rose's daughter. Rose does not seem to feel remorse about leaving her daughter and is quick to admit it.
"She's alive, safe, happy, then I'm good," Rose said about her daughter.
Rose even said being a "stuck at home" mother was not her thing. Will explained that Dawn had to be admitted into care while he was in prison. Rose casually replied that she'd also spent a week in a Spanish jail.
Will also said that Dawn had to grow up alone and unloved because Rose didn't care.
"Dawn grew up alone and unloved, and all because you didn't care enough to leave a forwarding address."
Will even made Rose admit that she wouldn't have come home even if she knew about Dawn's situation.
"I made my choices, Will," Rose admitted.
After this new encounter at the hospital, Will mentioned nothing about seeing Rose to Kim. Fans believe this is the beginning of a new drama involving the past lives of Will and Rose, thus complicating the storyline. Not much is known as of now about how Rose would fit in as a new character on Emmerdale and what reactions her presence would trigger from Dawn, Kim, and other characters.
The upcoming episodes of Emmerdale will reveal the chemistry between Will and Rose all those years ago. Viewers are excited about where this might lead in the coming weeks.
Emmerdale airs on weeknights on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.