Maggie Horton Kiriakis, a character in the long-running NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives, brings layers of complexity and intrigue to the storyline. Suzanne Rogers has portrayed Maggie Horton Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives since 1973, with brief breaks in 1984 and 2003. Initially introduced as a romantic interest for Mickey Horton, Maggie evolved into a central figure in the show's narrative over the years.
Suzanne Rogers received a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in 1979 for her portrayal of Maggie Horton Kiriakis on Days of Our Lives. Additionally, in 2023, she marked her remarkable 50th anniversary on the show.
Maggie Horton's character in Days of Our Lives
Maggie Horton Kiriakis's character on Days of Our Lives revolves around themes of love, family dynamics, and occasional meddling. She is depicted as a strong, opinionated, and family-oriented woman who offers unwavering support to her loved ones.
Her storyline in 1984 highlighted her battle with Myasthenia Gravis, mirroring actress Suzanne Rogers's own struggles with the disease. In 2003, Maggie was seemingly killed off in a murder mystery plot, only to return the following year when it was revealed that the victims, including Maggie, were alive on the island of Melaswen.
Maggie Horton Kiriakis's early life in Days of Our Lives
Maggie Horton, a rural farm owner, found solace in solitude after a childhood accident that left her crippled and an orphan. When a man named Mickey Horton, suffering from memory loss sought refuge at her farmhouse, Maggie compassionately cared for him.
They married in 1974, but Maggie uncovered unsettling clues linking to Mickey's disappearance when she visited a hospital recommended by Mickey for her treatment.
They adopted Janice and faced custody battles with her biological mother. All that stress turned Maggie into an alcoholic. The legal battle concluded unfavorably for her following a car accident resulting from driving under the influence. Complicating matters further, she had Janice accompanying her at the time.
In 1979, Maggie unintentionally sold canes containing cocaine at Julie's (Mickey's niece) shop, leading to a confrontation with a drug dealer. In the struggle, Maggie ended up shooting him with his own gun.
In 1981 Maggie agreed to be a surrogate mother for an anonymous donor. Maggie went to Dr. Neil and got inseminated only to later find out that the donor was actually Neil himself. Maggie started spending a lot of time with Don (Mickey's partner) and they eventually fell in love.
When Mickey heard the confession in 1983, he and Maggie parted ways. They reconciled after she realized it was a mistake. Their relationship took a positive turn when he sustained an accidental gunshot wound, prompting Maggie to step in and care for him. This experience reignited their connection and led to a reconciliation between them. On February 14, 1986, they remarried again.
Things got worse as Mickey got busy with work and didn't make time for Maggie. This led to Maggie cheating on Mickey with Dr Neil. Sarah discovered them and clicked pictures of them in the bed. Mickey accepted his contribution to her infidelity and got back together as Neil went back to Salem.
Maggie got killed by a serial killer in 2003 and after her passing, Mickey, to everyone's surprise, found solace with Bonnie Lockhart, Maggie's nemesis in Days of Our Lives. Maggie, in turn of events, was discovered on the island of Melaswen. Upon her return to Salem, she found out about Mickey's relationship with Bonnie.
What happens after the shocking return of Maggie Horton Kiriakis in Days of Our Lives?
Maggie proved that Bonnie was with Mickey only for his money and succeeded in separating them. In 2010, following Julie's encouragement, Maggie planned a cruise for herself and Mickey to spend quality time together. However, upon checking on him while he was packing, Maggie found that Mickey had passed away from a heart attack, leaving her a widow.
Post her husband's death on Days of Our Lives, she befriended Victor Kiriakis. Despite Victor's marriage to Vivian Alamain, he and Maggie grew closer. Vivian, seeking revenge, devised a plan to entomb Maggie in a crypt in the Kiriakis mausoleum. However, fate intervened, and Vivian ended up in the crypt herself.
After she is out, Victor parted ways with Vivian and started dating Maggie. He proposed in September 2011 and despite her hesitation with his criminal past, she accepted it. Out of nowhere, a biological son of Maggie came up as a result of Maggie and Mickey's medical project where her eggs were used and stored for experimentation in Days of Our Lives.
On November 8, 2011, Victor and Maggie got married. In 2012, Maggie and Victor faced a bump in their marriage when it was revealed that Victor knew Maggie's missing eggs from years ago. Despite this revelation, Maggie ultimately forgave him, but she remains vigilant in keeping him in check when his ruthless tendencies resurface on the Days of Our Lives.