Days of Our Lives is a long-running American television soap opera since 1965, which was first presented by NBC from November 1965 to September 2022 and was later taken over by Peacock.
The daytime television show is set up in the fictional town of Salem. The show primarily focuses on the Brady, Horton, Kirikis, and Dimera families living in Salem.
Recently there have been rumors going around about the cancellation of the show Days of Our Lives. This news has made the fans concerned about the show’s future as they are comparing the situation to the cancelation of One Life to Live in 2012 after they canceled their made-up show Fraternity Row in one of the episodes.
However, rumors about the cancelation of Days of Our Lives are not true. The makers of the show have not said or indicated anything towards the possible end of the daytime television show.
On the July 3, 2024, episode of DOOL, Kate informs Abe that his beloved made-up show Body & Soul is ending. It led many to co-relate it with Fraternity Row. Meanwhile, since the show has been shifted to Peacock in 2022. Days of Our Lives makers have promised to continue the show till its 60th anniversary.
Currently, the show is running at 14,430 episodes and has even planned a special 15,000th episode celebration which hints that there is nothing to worry about the cancelation of the show.
The shift to Peacock: A new era for Days of Our Lives
The shift of the show DOOL from NBC to Peacock speculated that the show might be in trouble but the situation was contrary to it. This shift was marked to target more audiences and gain widespread popularity.
This shift to digital streaming also gave freedom to touch upon more complex and creative storylines than television, because of which the show gained new viewers alongside long-time fans.
The rumors about the cancelation of Days of Our Lives started to spread as the show announced the ending of the fictional soap opera Body & Soul. The fans considered it as a hint of the show being canceled. Looking back at what happened with One Life to Live, fans speculated the same for DOOL.
Cancelation of the Body & Soul is just a new development in the storyline of Days of Our Lives to keep the show interesting and relevant to the audience.
The upcoming milestone celebration and new beginnings
The makers have been working on the special episode to mark the celebration of the completion of 15,000 episodes. This episode will have special goodbyes for the much-loved characters Doug and Bill Hayes.
There are also rumors of the possible return of Body & Soul within the show. Kate and Abe have discussed the possibility of restarting the fictional soap online, which is similar to DOOL when the makers shifted it to Peacock.
Such depiction of the real story of the show into a fictional storyline makes it more interesting and relevant for the fans.
Watch the new episodes of Days of Our Lives aired on weekdays on Peacock.