General Hospital, an American daytime soap opera, premiered on April 1, 1963, on ABC. It is the longest-running soap opera in the United States, and the second-longest in television history. It holds the record for the most Daytime Emmy Awards in the category of Outstanding Drama Series, with 14 wins.
In the December 27 episode, Ava chose to take the gifted painting despite Trina's suggestion that she save it. Kai, who was uncomfortable at the event, agreed to leave with Trina via the service elevator. Josslyn continued to look for answers about Dex's death, while Michael spoke with Diane about his situation. Sasha planned to relocate to the Hamptons, while Emma faced expulsion.
Recap of General Hospital: December 27, 2024
On December 27, Ava visited Trina at the Port Charles Grill and told her that her Christmas bonus would be a painting. Trina hesitated, recommending Ava save it in case she needed the money, but Ava insisted on taking it. Trina ultimately agreed, but joked that she'd save it in case Ava wanted it later.
As they spoke, Trina observed Kai seated at the bar, attempting to escape an event below. He mentioned that he felt uncomfortable with the amount of mingling expected at the event.
A guy arrived with his son for a photo. As Kai was ready to return downstairs, Trina intervened and suggested that he should help her with a project first. Trina recommended that they leave and slip out via the service elevator, and Kai agreed.
Later on General Hospital, Josslyn discussed about Dex with Jason at Bobbie's. She felt Sonny could be connected, but she was still unsure if he had been singled out. Josslyn was searching for answers even though she didn't believe Sonny was responsible for the attack after their Christmas talk. In order to assist her in getting closure, Jason told her that he would investigate.
Meanwhile, Michael met with Diane, his lawyer, to discuss his current position with Nina. Michael went over the specifics, including the event in which Willow kissed Drew and the nanny cam film that had been presented in front of everyone.
Diane expressed worries that the film would make Michael look spiteful, and she warned Nina not to prolong the lawsuit. Michael stated that he hoped for reconciliation with Willow, but if that was not possible, he wanted to guarantee that the children would not be taken away from him.
Diane highlighted the necessity of complete openness moving forward, reminding him that she was on his side as long as he was entirely honest with her.
Elsewhere in the episode of General Hospital, Maxie and Sasha were getting their nails done at Marta & Chloe. When Maxie caught Sasha examining homes, the latter clarified that in order to start again with the baby, she intended to return to the Hamptons. Before departing, Maxie urged Sasha to inform the family about the baby, but Sasha was hesitant.
Sasha continued to argue, thinking that telling additional people would simply make it more difficult to go. Maxie inquired as to whether the baby's father had influenced her choice, but Sasha reassured her that it had not.
She claimed that although leaving was a difficult choice, it was made simpler by Maxie's comprehension. At Bobbie's, Josslyn sought Brennan for assistance in retrieving satellite photographs of the park from the day Dex was assaulted.
Fans can stream General Hospital on ABC Network.
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