ABC's General Hospital first aired on American television on April 1, 1963, and has kept fans captivated with their storylines and interesting character arcs for decades. The show, created by Doris and Frank Hursely, is set in the fictional town of Port Charles, New York. It revolves around dramatic themes and the events happening in the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer families.
The January 16, 2025, episode of General Hospital brought to light many dramatic moments and plotlines. The episode showed Carly Spencer trying to plead with the Quartermaines while Willow was shown trying to make a tough decision by taking an arduous call. Meanwhile, Cody struggled with the implications of his actions while Aunt Stella was shown visiting Kai at the hospital.
Everything that happened on the January 16, 2025, episode of General Hospital
The January 16, 2025, episode of General Hospital showed Carly Spencer going to the Quartermaine mansion to try to plead with Tarcy and Monica to take Wiley and Amelia back to Willow Tait. Recently, on the show, Sonny was shown going to them as well but returned unsuccessfully as Jason Morgan stepped in and supported Tarcy's decision to keep the kids.
In this episode of General Hospital, Carly told Tracy that she needed to take the children back to Willow to let them meet Michael. However, Tracy told her that Monica, who had been suffering and ailing for a long time, needed the kids more during this difficult time. She blamed Carly and screamed at her, saying that Monica's life had not been the same since she came to Port Charles.
In the hospital where Michael was admitted, Nina Reeves was shown speaking to her daughter, Willow Tait. She advised her to take legal action against Sonny Corinthos and Carly Spencer due to the recent troubles she had with them regarding the custody of Wiley and Amelia, Michael, and her children.
Willow was in two minds about the decision as she did not want to cause further emotional turmoil and discomfort to Carly and Sonny, who were already grappling with Michael's medical situation and recovery.
Cody Bell was shown sulking and being visibly upset about something at the stable on the Quartermain property. Giovanni went up to him and asked what had happened. Cody was upset about having wasted his money on the PCU football game after Drew Quartermaine had given him fifty thousand dollars.
Kai, who had been hospitalized after an injury, was visited by Aunt Stella, who brought him balloons and stuffed animal toys. She asked him whether he had hoped Trina would come to him with those things instead.
Recent storyline developments on General Hospital
Recently, on General Hospital, Michael Corinthos was shown being admitted to the hospital due to third-degree burns in over 40 percent of his body after the Corinthos penthouse fire explosion. His near and dear ones were shown coping with the after-effects of his injury while simultaneously trying to handle the situation at Port Charles.
Willow and Drew were shown to be supportive of each other, and so were Carly and Sonny. Meanwhile, Josslyn Jacks confronted Cyrus Renault for being the one responsible for stabbing Dex Heller. However, he maintained his innocence and walked away free from the police station, as Josslyn did not have any conclusive proof to incarcerate him.
Fans and viewers can watch General Hospital on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.