ABC's General Hospital first aired on American television on November 8, 1963. The show, created by Doris and Frank Hursely, is set in the fictional town of Port Charles, New York. For decades, General Hospital has kept fans entertained with its interesting storylines, which mainly revolve around the lives and happenings of the members of the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer families.
The January 21, 2025, episode of General Hospital brought with it some fresh dramatic events in the lives of the residents of Port Charles. The episode showed Ava Jerome requesting Sonny Corinthos to take care of her daughter Avery, and Willow Tait feeling remorseful over her recent decisions.
While Anna Devane continued her investigation into finding out who the culprit was behind the explosion at the Corinthos penthouse, Tracy Quartermaine was arrested by a law enforcer for her recent involvement in Wiley and Amelia's custody battle.
Everything that happened on the January 20, 2025, episode of General Hospital
In General Hospital's January 20, 2025, episode, Ava Jerome went to Sonny Corinthos to discuss matters regarding the safety of their daughter Avery. She asked Sonny to make sure their daughter was safe from harm's way as crimes continued to engulf the residents of Port Charles, causing Ava to feel nervous and tense.
Right after Sonny and Ava had their conversation, Sonny scrunched up his face as though he was in pain. While the episode did not reveal whether he was having another medical emergency related to his heart condition, the preview of General Hospital episodes for this week revealed that Sonny would indeed suffer from another heart attack.
On the other hand, Willow Tait was shown feeling remorseful in the hospital regarding her decision to not allow Sonny and Carly to see Michael. Being Michael's medical proxy she took the call. She felt guilty and finally allowed the two to visit their son.
While they spent time with their son after a long time, Willow spoke to Drew Quartermaine regarding their decisions about Wiley and Amelia. Drew reassured her that everything would fall into place.
Anna Devane interrogated another potential suspect in the case of the fire explosion at the Corinthos penthouse. Tracy Quartermaine, who had recently refused to give back Wiley and Amelia to Sonny and Carly, got arrested for her deeds after Drew Quartermaine filed a complaint. She also resisted her arrest which caused the law enforcer to take her to the Port Charles Police Department.
Anna asked Tracy Quartermaine to reveal the location of the children to Jason Morgan, to which Tracy responded that she was unaware of where they were. Upcoming episodes of General Hospital will shed further light on this storyline.
Carly woke Michael up to ask him where he wanted to get his treatment from and he responded by asking for Sasha Gilmore instead. Carly was also shown thanking Jack Brennan for his help in opening up a spot for Michael at a specialized burns unit in Germany for his treatment for the third-degree burns he suffered in over 40 percent of his body.
Fans and interested viewers can watch General Hospital on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.