Kristina Corinthos-Davis is experiencing emotional turmoil on General Hospital. While her relationship with half-sister Molly Lansing-Davis has always been discordant, there may not be any chance of burying the hatchet anytime soon. Their differing approaches to handling baby Adele-Irene's death have become a significant point of contention. While Kristina continues to grieve, Molly is trying to move on.
Molly's perspective has also created a rift between her and TJ, the baby's biological father. In contrast, Kristina, who believes Ava is responsible for her accidental fall and the baby's death, is seeking revenge. She recently reached out to her father, mob boss Sonny Corinthos, to help her avenge the unborn baby's tragic demise.
General Hospital is one of the longest-running American daily soaps, airing on ABC since April 1963. The soap's plot revolves around the lives of the residents of the fictional Port Charles, featuring mobsters, law enforcers, and the titular hospital's staff.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature and may contain spoilers.
General Hospital: What are Kristina's current plot dynamics?
2024 on General Hospital saw Kristina offering surrogacy for Molly and TJ's baby. However, she soon started loving the baby she was carrying and decided to make a legal move to adopt it. When she asked her mother, Alexis Davis, to draw up the papers, her half-sister Molly and her boyfriend TJ learned of this betrayal.
To add to her problems, Kristina Corinthos-Davis went to meet Ava Jerome in her suite in August 2024. During their altercation, both exchanged heated threats. When Ava reached out to catch Kristina, she backed towards the window, tripped on a bag, and fell through the window into the Metro Court pool below.
While she survived the fall, Kristina lost the baby. Molly Lansing-Davis accused Kristina of killing the baby through her foolish actions. The duo may have bickered more if not for their elder sibling, Sam McCall's unexpected death. Promising their mother to hold the fort in a joint effort, they came together to fight a case against Ava.
Although Kristina could not remember whether Ava had pushed her out of the window, she insisted that the latter should face some form of punishment for causing the baby's death. Molly's biological father, Ric Lansing, represented Ava Jerome and got her acquitted of the charges.
After losing the case, Molly decided to give up on punishments and revenge. Instead, she decided to look for mental peace, something TJ was not able to do. Both TJ and Kristina believed Molly was not grieving the baby's untimely death. As such, TJ and Molly broke up while Kristina continued her quest for revenge on Ava.
Also Read: General Hospital spoilers: Molly has a stern warning for Alexis Davis
General Hospital: What is the future of Kristina's story arc?

As of now, Kristina is bubbling with resentment after the court let Ava Jerome go. To Kristina, Ava is a murderer, even if she cannot remember whether Ava pushed her. As such, the vengeful Corinthos-Davis reached out to her father, Sonny Corinthos, to help her retaliate.
Kristina recently told her mother, Alexis, that she is spending Christmas vacation with her father to avoid meeting Molly at her mother's place. This may allow her to collaborate and plan out her future moves. Moreover, she will likely get first-hand knowledge about how Sonny's underworld operations function.
This might come in handy if, in the distant future, Sonny needs an heir. Kristina would be ready to step into the role of a mob boss since Dante is on this side of justice and Michael will likely move out of the General Hospital storyline. With her relentless attitude and vengeful nature, Kristina could become the ideal heir to Sonny's business.
On the other hand, Kristina may find a sympathetic confidante in TJ, who is also grieving the baby's death. They may connect over their common disregard for Molly's stance. Whether this connection will grow into a relationship remains to be seen.
Continue watching ABC every weekday to catch the latest drama on General Hospital as Kristina chalks out her revenge plan.
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