ABC's General Hospital, which first premiered in 1963, has kept fans engaged with their captivating storylines for decades. The show is set in Port Charles and mainly focuses on the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Spencer, and Cassadine families. Soap Dirt's spoilers for General Hospital for January 1 and January 2, 2025, suggest that Michael Corinthos will receive some shocking news from Sasha Gilmore.
Spoilers show that Sasha Gilmore will confide in Michael regarding her pregnancy and also that he is the father of their unborn child. Michael is seen to be shocked receiving the news and re-confirming with Sasha about whether she is sure of the baby's paternity or not. This news comes in during a difficult time for Michael Corinthos as he was recently shown trying to fix his marriage with Willot Tait on General Hospital.
Michael Corinthos had recently spent intimate time with Sasha Gilmore after they both were inebriated. This situation led to Sasha's pregnancy. Michael is seen to be struggling to juggle his issues with Willow and their children while also trying to address Sasha's pregnancy and his involvement in their unborn child's life.
Michael Corinthos and Sasha Gilmore's history on General Hospital
Michael Corinthos on General Hospital was shown struggling for months, trying to rebuild his life after his separation from his wife, Willow Tait, who was diagnosed with leukemia. Sasha Gilmore had been dealing with severe mental health issues and losing her son. She was aware of Michael's situation and wanted to help him cope.
Sasha Gilmore's character on General Hospital had gone through an emotionally turbulent time when she lost her son Liam. She found out about her pregnancy just as she was starting to rebuild her life after struggling with mental health issues and her relapse from addiction. She had initially decided not to inform Michael of their child but decided against it.
Spoilers of the show revealed how Michael had reached out to his father, Sonny Corinthos, for advice. Despite their estranged relationship, Sonny's empathetic way of trying to help him out while citing his own experiences with complicated family dynamics could potentially lead to them reuniting.
Recent storylines on General Hospital
Recent plotlines on General Hospital showed the consequences of Lucky Spencer's return to Port Charles and the emotional turmoil he had been going through with his ex-partner, Elizabeth Webber, and their children. Luke and Laura Spencer were also shown getting involved and trying to help him rebuild his life.
Valentin Cassadine and Lulu Spencer's rivalry had been heightened, affecting the residents of Port Charles and their near and dear ones. Sonny Corinthos's fight with his heart disease led to him spending a lot of time with his family members, especially Lulu.
Drew Cain was shown trying to recuperate after the loss of Aurora Medica, which caused him to face severe financial consequences and disagreements with his family members. Dex Heller's death was something that affected his partners, Josslyn Jacks, and Anna Devane, while they tried to uncover who was behind the murder.
Fans and viewers can watch the show on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.