ABC's General Hospital first premiered on American television on April 1, 1963, and has kept fans engaged for decades with its intricate storylines and captivating character arcs. The show, which was created by the couple Doris and Frank Hursely, is set in the fictional town city of Port Charles, New York, and mainly focuses on the lives and happenings of the members of the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer families.
The What To Watch spoilers for the upcoming January 16 and January 17 episodes of General Hospital revealed that there may be trouble in paradise. Recently, Nina Reeves had a heart-to-heart conversation with her daughter Willow Tait, and consequently had a heated argument with Drew Quartermaine regarding her daughter's well-being.
Meanwhile, Willow and Drew have been together intimately for a while. However, Drew had also been intimate with Nina, and Willow is still unaware as it is well-shielded. The spoilers suggest and hint that Nina will consider telling Willow the truth regarding Drew to safeguard her from further emotional turmoil and harm.
What is Nina planning on telling Willow on General Hospital?
Recently, on General Hospital, Willow Tait's husband, Michael Corinthos, is suffering from a tragic fire explosion at the Corinthos penthouse. He was pulled out of the fire by Jason Morgan, who saved his life in time before the entire building collapsed on him, but Michael was left with third-degree burns in over 40 percent of his body and admitted to the hospital.
Willow has been fighting their custody battle regarding Wiley and Amelia alone and trying to hold onto her power as their guardian. Meanwhile, Carly Sonny and others from Port Charles disapproved of her decision. Drew Quartermaine urged Willow to wage war against some of the most powerful families in the town to retain her custody. He was also persuading and coaxing her to make harsh decisions as Michael's medical proxy.
Nina Reeves, who had been intimately involved with Drew in the past, had been observing how he had been harming Willow's sense of judgment and her position at Port Charles. She decided to have a conversation with him regarding leaving Willow alone. Nina reiterated that she, as Willow's mother, would be the one safeguarding her, and he did not need to interfere.
Nina also told Drew that Willow's life had been ruined because of him. While Willow Tait is still unaware of how her current partner and mother had been in a relationship in the past, spoilers hint that Nina might tell Willow about this soon to protect her from Drew's manipulative ways of controlling her.
While Soap Opera Magazine and What To Watch spoilers of the upcoming episodes of General Hospital suggest that Nina's decision could affect her relationship with her daughter gravely, she will likely choose Willow's well-being over that. The upcoming episodes of General Hospital will shed light on these plotlines and whether Nina comes clean to Willow about Drew.
Fans and viewers of General Hospital can watch the show on ABC Network or stream episodes on Hulu.