General Hospital, an American soap, aired first on April 1, 1963, on ABC. The show is set in Port Charles and focuses mainly on the happenings of four major families - the Quatermaines, Spencers, Cassadines, and Webbers. It has won multiple Daytime Emmy Awards for its intriguing storyline involving dramatic plots and engaging character arcs, including the prestigious Outstanding Drama Series.
General Hospital spoilers for December 12 suggest that the annual Quatermaine Christman could be a huge mess. The promo for the episode showed how Michael and Willow were having arguments. Carly saw that and wanted to intervene to help the couple and asked Olivia what the focal issue was between the couple. Michael and Sasha are shown sharing secrets that might cause further ripples in his relationship with Willow.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative.
General Hospital December 12, 2024 spoilers explained
Tracy's unfiltered nature around the extended family during the Quatermaine Christmas party will cause significant family tensions. Michael's complicated relationship with his mother, Carly, especially while she tries to figure out his relationship issues, will show to have consequences. Ned and Olivia's relationship also seems to be affected due to his involvement with Lois.
Kristina's new business ventures were shown to be ambitious but affected her relationships with her family significantly. Sonny's complicated love life was shown to be raising tensions amidst the holiday season.
The Quatermaine family Christmas episodes have, since time immemorial, been a fan favorite due to the unexpected plot twists, fun family banter, and the inevitable ordering of pizza after the Christmas turkey.
Recent plotlines on General Hospital
Recent episodes on General Hospital throughout December 2024 showed Sonny and Natalie's budding relationship amidst the Quatermaine holiday family drama. Dex and Josslyn have been dealing with their own set of relationship problems, and Tracy is making advances at the Christmas party.
Kristina tries to potentially start a new chapter of her life by setting up a new business venture to help make her financially independent. Sam McCall's drug addiction and struggles with his overdose led to the residents of Port Charles being concerned for his well-being. Lulu Spencer, who had been in a coma for a while, regained her consciousness and was shown catching up on all her family drama and what she had missed with Maxie Jones.
Brook's adamant behavior in wanting to hide a major secret from her past led to her relationship with Harrison being strained. This also involves the adoption of her firstborn son. Valentin and Charlotte, who had gone missing under mysterious circumstances, were being searched for by Anna and Carly.
General Hospital started as a medical drama involving the hospital in many of its storylines. Since then, the writers have broadened the scope of the plot, bringing in aspects of love triangles, the underworld mob, and family drama, but the hospital remains a focal point of some of the storylines.
The show is one of the most-watched soap operas ever and holds a Guinness World Record for being the longest-running American series.
Watch the new episodes of General Hospital on Hulu.