ABC's General Hospital is one of the longest-running soap operas in American television, airing first on April 1, 1963. The show, which is set in Port Charles and centered around the Quartermaine, Corinthos, Cassadine, and Spencer families, has won several Daytime Emmy Awards including the prestigious Outstanding Drama Series. Sasha Gilmore, an important character on General Hospital, is currently in the middle of rising tensions.
The December 27 and 28 spoilers for General Hospital suggest that Sasha might be leaving Port Charles following her recent pregnancy revelation after getting intimate with Michael Corinthos one night. Spoilers suggest that there also potentially might be a showdown between Willow Tait and Sasha Gilmore and confrontations might ensue.
The December 28, 2024, spoilers of General Hospital also suggested that Willow and Sasha's confrontation could take a physical turn when Willow finds out that Sasha and Michael not only slept together but that she is carrying his child. It might end up with Sasha tumbling down the staircase of the Quartermaine mansion resulting in the miscarriage of her pregnancy.
There have also been speculations lately of Sasha Gilmore leaving the show but as of now, there has not been any confirmation on the same by either the writers of the show or Sofia Mattson, the actress who plays Sasha's role. Fans suggest this might be due to Jenz Sidwell coming back to Port Charles
Sasha Gilmore's recent developments on General Hospital
Sasha Gilmore was introduced to General Hospital in 2018 when she posed as Nina Reeves's long-lost daughter after being manipulated into fabricating the story by Valentin Cassadine. Her character has gone through significant emotional turmoil, especially when her newborn son Liam died and her husband Brando Corbin was killed by a serial killer.
Her relationship with Michael Corinthos comes from a place of mutual affection. Only the upcoming episodes will throw light on how Michael deals with the consequences of Willow finding out about Sasha being pregnant with his unborn child.
Recently, Sasha Gilmore was shown confiding to Maxie Jones, about how she plans to deal with her pregnancy and her equation with both Michael as well as Willow. She was also shown telling Maxie that she plans to leave Port Charles to avert further complications.
Recent plotlines on General Hospital
Recent storylines on General Hospital showed the residents of Port Charles still struggling to cope with the death of Dex Heller. The similarities between Sam McCall's death and Dex's demise were something that caused suspicion to arise on the show, hinting at a potential serial killer at work.
Lucky Spencer was shown coming back to Port Charles which caused significant emotional turmoil to his near and dear ones, especially his mother Laura Spencer while Valentin Cassadine was shown repenting for his past misdeeds and trying to reconcile and seek redemption from his family members and his friends.
Anna Devane is seen struggling to figure out who is behind the crimes at Port Charles, especially Dex Heller's death while Sonny Corinthos is shown trying very hard to retain and sustain his empire and legacy as crime boss.
Fans can watch the show on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.