ABC's General Hospital aired first on American television on April 1, 1963, and has kept viewers captivated with its storylines and characters. The show, created by the couple Doris and Frank Hursely, is set in the city town of Port Charles, New York. The show is mainly centered around the lives of the members of the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer families.
The spoilers for the January 17, 2025, episode of General Hospital show Tracy Quartermaine trying to go to any means to retain the custody of Michael and Willow's children, Wiley and Amelia. Tracy thinks that Willow, who is having an affair with Drew, is unfit to raise the kids herself.
What is to come for Willow and Drew after Tracy schemes to take them down on General Hospital?
The spoilers suggest that Willow and Drew's opponent in trying to get Wiley and Amelia's custody will be Tracy Quartermaine. Recently on General Hospital, Willow was leveraging her position as Michael's medical proxy and did not allow Sonny or Carly to meet him in the hospital room. The kids were at the Quartermaine mansion with Tracy and Monica.
According to the spoilers for the upcoming episode, Tracy thinks that if Willow and Drew get Wiley and Amelia's custody, they would not allow the kids to meet the Quartermaine family and be raised like one, as their father Michael is a Quartermaine by blood. Tracy will potentially plot ways to keep the children with her.
Tracy had already mentioned on General Hospital that she deemed Willow unfit to be able to parent Wiley and Amelia, especially during the Christmas party. This happened when the whole family accidentally found out about Willow and Drew's affair after a video of them being intimate together in the nursery was played in front of the family.
Tracy disapproved of their relationship, especially due to Drew's political career. She had previously wanted to leak their video for other Port Charles residents to find out about them but did not do so, as the consequences of it would affect Wiley and Amelia.
Spoilers hint that Tracy could potentially leak their video now to be able to get full custody of the children. Tracy has always had the best interest of the children in her heart but it is uncertain whether she would have to face consequences for this bold move or not. The upcoming episodes of the show will shed further light on these plotlines.
Recent storyline developments on General Hospital
Recently on General Hospital, Michael Corinthos was shown being admitted in the hospital after suffering from third-degree burns in over 40 percent of his body. This happened when he was caught in the fire explosion at the Corinthos penthouse. He also suffered a sudden cardiac arrest after Cyrus Renault tampered with his IV bags and gave him a digitalis overdose.
Carly and Sonny tried to reason with Tracy to be able to get Wiley and Amelia back to Willow. After being influenced by Drew, Willow didn't allow them to visit Michael unless she got the kids back.
Fans can watch the show on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.