In the February 20 episode of General Hospital, Joss came face to face with Cyrus and when he tried to attack her, she retaliated by shooting him. After the episode, fans took to social media to discuss Joss's actions. The discussion revolved around whether or not her shooting Cyrus was an act of self-defense.
Everyone saying Joss shooting Cyrus in Self Defense are wrong. She was trespassing, he has the right to defend himself.
A fan started the debate by posting on a General Hospital Facebook fanpage that Joss's actions wouldn't amount to self-defense as she was trespassing onto Cyrus's property.

The post by this fan sparked a debate among others. Many were against this view as they believed that Joss still had the right to defend herself as Cyrus initiated the attack.
Furthermore, they also pointed out that the cabin didn't even belong to Cyrus and technically Joss wasn't trespassing as it was Austin's cabin which Cyrus took possession of after killing him.

Many viewers agreed with the post as they believed that Joss had no business being in the cabin to begin with.
They added that she should have instead alerted law enforcement rather than taking matters into her own hands.

General Hospital fans also blamed Joss for calling Brennan as it would just complicate the situation more. They remain suspicious of Brennan's intention. Some argue that he was just trying to protect Joss while others think he could use this as an opportunity to recruit Joss to work at the WSB.

What happened to Cyrus on General Hospital?
Following the leads provided to her, Joss tracked Cyrus down to Austin's cabin on the February 20 episode of General Hospital. After finding an envelope filled with hospital bracelets, including that of Dex and Sam, Joss confirmed that Cyrus was the one responsible for the murders.
Cyrus has been seen killing people and justifying it by saying that he is trying to "save souls" stuck between life and death. His last victim was Lucky Spencer, whom he injected with digitalis.
Before Joss could leave the cabin, Cyrus found her there. He tried to attack her with an axe to prevent her from escaping. To defend herself, Joss used Dex's gun and shot him in the chest. While taking his last breath, Cyrus called Joss a murderer.
Joss was unable to deal with the gravity of the situation and decided to call Brennan for help. Brennan arrived and suggested that they could either report the incident to the authorities or handle the situation themselves.
Other recent developments on General Hospital
Apart from Cyrus's death, other major developments on General Hospital include Brook Lynn, Drew, and Curtis. Brook Lynn was seen revealing her pregnancy to Chase this week. This revelation is expected to make their relationship stable as Chase was lamenting his inability to get her pregnant earlier.
Drew made a shocking move by asking Willow to move in with him. Curtis is making strategic moves to counter Drew's growing influence. He sought out his Aunt Stella's help to intervene with Congressman Doug Henderson.
Fans can watch General Hospital on ABC.