Faith Newman was introduced into The Young and the Restless storyline in 2009 after Sharon Abbott claimed to be pregnant with either Nick, Jack, or Billy's baby. While the paternity of the baby was in confusion, Sharon's baby was born in 2009, making Faith approximately 15 years old now. Currently portrayed by Reylynn Caster, Faith Newman is portraying a later teen-like personality with teen angst and a strong disposition.
Faith Newman has been portrayed by many actors over the years on The Young and the Restless. After birth, the infant Faith was played by the Lutsky twins followed by Alyvia Alyn Lind who played the role for a decade between 2011 to 2021, intermittently. Within this decade, McKenna Grace portrayed the child between 2013 and 2015 to fill in during Lind's absence from the soap.
Faith Newman's journey on The Young and the Restless
Faith was born in September 2009 in Fairview Sanitarium where her mother, Sharon Abbott, was committed. While there was confusion about her parentage, a paternity test later proved Nick Newman to be the father. However, she was kidnapped by Adam Newman after birth as he passed the baby off as Ashley's, leading Sharon to believe that her baby had died at the time of birth.
After a few months, when Sharon and Adam were married, she came to know about her kidnapped baby. While Sharon broke up with Adam, she was reunited with Faith. Adam atoned for his crime by saving the mother-daughter duo from a collapsing barn in a tornado.
When her mother was imprisoned on fake charges, Faith stayed with her father Nick who took her custody. During this period she formed a good rapport with Ashley who cared for her in Nick's absence. Soon, Noah convinced Nick to take Faith to the prison visitations to meet Sharon. After her acquittal, Sharon and Faith took a long vacation together.
Later, Sharon's bipolar disorder and nervous breakdown pushed Faith to stay with Nick again. Following this, Faith witnessed a bitter custody fight between her parents pushing her to choose to stay with her grandparents. The growing girl was also witness to many affairs and relationships of her parents.
Faith left for boarding school but returned to Genoa City to learn about her mother's breast cancer. Wanting to stay back and provide emotional support to her mother, the teenager started facing her own problems. While on one side she faced cyberbullying, on the other she was manipulated into underage drinking. After a road accident led to her interstitial nephritis diagnosis, Adam donated his kidney to save her.
While trying to settle into an uneventful life, and a great friendship with Moses, Faith was kidnapped by the criminal, Cameron. He also strapped her with a bomb which was defused by Chance as Sharon and Nick rescued her.
What are Faith's current plot dynamics on The Young and the Restless?
Recently, Faith has been worried about her mother's mental health. While the young lady is getting ready to go to college, she will likely be involved with her mother's care as Sharon continues to see Cassie and Cameron in her nightmares.
On the other hand, Faith has recently found an admirer in Lucy Romalotti who keeps reaching out to her even though Faith has given her the cold shoulder. The last week of August 2024, on The Young and the Restless, saw Lucy sneaking alcohol from a bar and drinking after being rebuffed by Faith. The underage girl reached out to Faith who emptied the bottle and tried to drive her home. However, the two girls landed in the hospital after a car accident.
While Lucy was released and went home to strict discipline from her parents as punishment for her mistakes, Faith remained in the hospital for more tests. The Young and the Restless episode dated September 4, 2024, saw Faith gaining consciousness as her parents waited around her with Phyllis as a visitor. She asked Phyllis for forgiveness and blamed herself for the accident while Phyllis assured that it was not her fault.
Watch out for Faith Newman on The Young and the Restless as Reylynn plays the troubled emotions of the teenager on the soap on CBS.