The Bold and the Beautiful is an American daily soap opera that premiered on March 23, 1987, on CBS. The show has seen various characters and actors enter and exit. MacKenzie Mauzy portrayed Phoebe Forrester, the daughter of Ridge Forrester and Taylor Hamilton. She was born as a twin sister to Steffy Forrester, and it was later revealed that they were fraternal twins.
According to Phoebe Forrester's Fandom page, she first appeared on the show on September 21, 1999, and was last seen on December 9, 2008. However, the character was quickly aged to seventeen when she reappeared in 2006 following SORAS (soap opera rapid aging syndrome). Thus, she was 19 years old when she was killed in a car accident in 2008.
B&B focuses on the members of the Forrester family and their fashion business. According to the official synopsis by CBS:
"The Bold and the Beautiful dives into the high society world of Los Angeles fashion as the Forrester family navigates spellbinding stories of mystery, romance, and the power of family legacy"
How did Phoebe Forrester die on The Bold and the Beautiful?
Phoebe Forrester was one of the beloved characters of B&B. She and Steffy returned from boarding school in 2006. After that, she went through various ups and downs, including personal life problems and issues related to the Forrester household.
Phoebe was romantically involved with Rick Forrester. However, she learned that he was cheating on her with her mother and sister. A furious Phoebe decides to confront him. After that, when they were in a car, she angrily assaulted him. The fight turned ugly, and she ended up taking a wrong turn and crashing.
In the accident, Rick gets injured and tries to help Phoebe, but she does not survive. Her father, Ridge, also appears at the site of the incident and holds his daughter while she takes her last breath.
Also read: How did Phoebe die on The Bold and the Beautiful? Explained
The Bold and the Beautiful: Phoebe's story arc
As mentioned earlier, Phoebe was born to Ridge Forrester and Taylor Hamilton and was the sister of Steffy and Thomas. She was a model at Forrester Creations and an aspiring singer. After her parent's divorce, she and Steffy went to a boarding school and returned in 2006.
Following this, she witnessed a drunk-driving case involving her mother, which ended up killing Darla Forrester. The family then tried to hide it, which led to an emotional and dramatic storyline. Phoebe was in love with Rick, but it was short-lived when she discovered he was dating her mother, Taylor, and sister Steffy. This was followed by the confrontation that led to her death.
Who played Phoebe Forrester on The Bold and the Beautiful?
Many actresses portrayed Phoebe Forrester, including Brynne McNabb, Candler Mella, Keaton Tyndall, and Addison Hoover. The role was finally taken over by MacKenzie Mauzy.
Mauzy is an American actress and singer born October 14, 1988, in Greensboro, North Carolina. She stepped in as Phoebe Forrester on B&B from 2006 to 2008. Apart from this, she has played Rapunzel in the Disney movie Into the Woods and appeared on TV shows like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and NCIS: New Orleans.
Also read: The Bold and the Beautiful (2024): Full cast list of soap opera
Fans can watch The Bold and the Beautiful on CBS.